504 Gateway Timeout Error: A Quick Guide to Causes and Fixes - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

504 Gateway Timeout Error: A Quick Guide to Causes and Fixes

We have all experienced it: you click a link while online and are met with a stark white page that states there is a 504 error rather than the page you were expecting. Even though the typical web user may find this page annoying, if the error code is being returned by your website, it could be a serious issue. However, what does the error 504 Gateway Timeout mean? We examine the implications of 504 errors for your website, your visitors, and your customers, as well as their definition.

What is meant by a 504 Gateway Timeout?

When a server serving as a gateway or proxy receives a 504 Gateway Timeout error, it indicates that it has not received the timely response from another server it needs to finish processing your request. Still unclear? Most likely, you’re not alone.

In order to fully comprehend this error, let’s examine how the Internet functions. Every time you visit a website or click on a link, a web server is contacted to request data. An established communication standard known as the HTTP protocol is being used to make this request.

The server provides a status code to indicate the outcome of processing your request. Five classes are used by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to categorize HTTP status codes:

  • 1xx – Informational errors
  • 2xx – Success
  • 3xx – Redirection
  • 4xx – Client error
  • 5xx – Server error

5xx errors indicate that although the web browser made a valid request, the website’s server was unable to fulfill it for some reason.

A 504 gateway timeout status code, specifically, indicates that the server encountered an issue that hindered it from fulfilling your request within a reasonable timeframe.

What Causes a 504 Gateway Timeout?

When a server serving as a gateway or proxy does not promptly receive the response from an upstream server required to finish your request, it results in a 504 Gateway Timeout. This problem is always server-side and usually means that there was a communication error between the servers. These are a few typical reasons:

  1. Server Overload – A 504 error may occur when the website’s server is overloaded with requests or is operating at a high volume, making it unable to process requests quickly.
  2. Timeout Settings – The request may time out if the server’s timeout settings are set too strictly because the server might not wait long enough for a response from another server.
  3. Server Maintenance or Downtime – A 504 error will appear on the requesting server if the upstream server is not responding to requests due to maintenance or is momentarily unavailable.
  4. Network Connectivity Issues – Communication delays brought on by issues with network connectivity between the servers may result in a timeout. Poor routing, a lost connection, or issues with the internet service provider (ISP) could be the cause of this.
  5. Firewall or Security Settings – Strict security configurations or firewall settings may prevent servers from communicating with one another, which would result in failed requests and a 504 Gateway Timeout.
  6. DNS Issues – A timeout error may result from improper request routing to the incorrect DNS (Domain Name System) server, which is caused by an outdated or incorrectly configured DNS server.
  7. Proxy Server Issues – A 504 error may occur if your website uses a proxy server and there are problems with it, such as a downed or incorrectly configured proxy.
  8. Slow Server Response – One of the servers may be responding to requests too slowly for a variety of reasons, including inefficient code or resource limitations.
  9. Inadequate Hosting Resources – Insufficient resources (CPU, RAM, or bandwidth) in your hosting plan may make it difficult for the server to process requests quickly, which could result in timeouts.

Knowing these reasons will make it easier to diagnose and resolve the 504 Gateway Timeout error, whether it be through server configuration changes, hosting plan optimization, or getting in touch with your web host for support.

What Distinguishes the 502 from the 504 Error Codes?

Similar HTTP status codes that denote server-side errors are 502 and 504. Their precise causes and ramifications, however, vary.

  • 502 Error – The response from the upstream server is the source of the problem; it is either corrupted or invalid. They point to an issue with the response’s caliber. Proxy settings, DNS problems, or server configuration errors can all result in a 502 status code.
  • 504 Error – The problem is caused by the upstream server’s tardiness or inability to reply within the allotted time. A 504 status code denotes an issue with the response’s timeliness. They are brought on by server overload, poor network connectivity, firewall malfunctions, and server outages.

Gaining an understanding of the distinctions between these two error status codes can facilitate more efficient troubleshooting and issue resolution.

What Effect Does a 504 Error Have on My Website?

If you’ve ever seen a 504 error, you are aware that most people aren’t going to sit around waiting for it to be fixed.

In fact, if a website takes longer than three seconds to load, 53% of users won’t stay on it, according to Google Consumer Insights!

A gateway timeout might not have deterred customers or visitors, but it might have for search engines. Your SEO ranking may suffer if your 504 error is not resolved right away!

It’s best to fix these as soon as you can and get your website back up and running quickly because the risk to your business is not worth taking.

How Do I Fix Error 504?

It makes sense that you would want to take care of this yourself given the risk to your small business. There are a few things you can try to resolve the issue, even if you’re not a tech-savvy person.

  • Refresh the Page – As easy as it may seem, trying refreshing the page might resolve your problem.
  • Check Error Logs – The code of your website may occasionally become corrupted by software updates or third-party plug-ins. See if you can find any obvious causes for the error in your server logs.
  • Flush DNS – Another reason for a 504 error could be an out-of-date or damaged DNS cache. If so, the issue might be resolved by cleaning the cache.
  • Check Your CDN – Examine the configuration or performance of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) if your website makes use of one. A 504 Gateway Timeout error may occasionally be fixed by clearing the CDN cache or making sure the CDN servers are in sync with your origin server. It might be necessary to get help from your CDN provider if the issue continues.
  • Check Other Browsers – You may discover that only Chrome is displaying 504 errors; Mozilla or Safari do not. This could be a useful tip for identifying the core cause more thoroughly.
  • Contact Your Web Host – You might want to get in touch with your web host if everything else fails. Your web host might be experiencing a server outage, but they should be able to resolve the problem quickly.

It can be annoying to see a 504 Gateway Timeout error, but you can navigate this frequent problem by being aware of its causes and possible fixes.

Knowing how to troubleshoot a 504 error can ensure a smoother online experience and save time for both website visitors and business owners. Recall that a 504 error is frequently transient and can be fixed by contacting your web host or by following easy troubleshooting instructions.