Recommendation for Best and Cheap Virto Commerce Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Recommendation for Best and Cheap Virto Commerce Hosting

Virto Commerce Introduction

Virto Commerce Development is an open source eCommerce platform based on Microsoft .Net technology with MS SQL database. Virto Commerce is a secure and easy-to-use online shopping cart platform designed and developed for small, medium and large businesses willing to opt for Microsoft based open-source eCommerce solutions. Virto Commerce comes with many features like catalog management, product management, customer and coupon management backed with powerful back office to manage day-to-day routine tasks.

Why Use Virto Commerce

Virto Commerce is new but it has attracted many people to try this CMS. Why Virto Commerce growing so fast?

– It is secure, scalable, and extendable
– Extremely flexible and customizable platform
– It is very stable and highly usable with clean and intuitive back-end system
– Good for SEO, optimized for search engines
– Mobile friendly support


Virto Commerce Features

On-Demand Scalability

Virto Commerce was specifically built for Microsoft Azure to allow on-demand scalability, performance and reliability. Virto Commerce can auto-scale based on the load or seasonal demand. The number of servers can be increased in a matter of minutes to support marketing campaigns. Scheduling and search services utilize queues to distribute job loads.

Deploy Globally in Minutes!

Servers can be deployed to worldwide data centers so customers can have better access. No more Operating System updates.

Run On-Premises or Hybrid

Virto Commerce also offers on-premises deployment or a combination of both Azure and on-premises.

Images stored in the Cloud

Images and other assets are stored in the cloud and auto replicated across various geo locations to improve website response times.

Latest Technologies

Built using Microsoft .Net 4.5 framework, it encompasses latest architecture practices and technologies for .Net platform. Some of them are: Entity Framework 6, MVC5/Razor, WCF, OData, Workflow Foundation, Unity, WPF, ClickOnce, HTML5, AngularJS.

Use what you need, replace what you don’t

Virto Commerce is designed to be a flexible and non-monolithic framework where each part can be replaced or changed when needed. If you have an existing e-Commerce product and simply like how product catalogs are managed in Virto Commerce, you can integrate just the catalog module leaving all other parts of your existing commerce solution intact. This design paradigm minimizes risks of upgrading or creating e-Commerce solution.

Order Processing Workflows

Business processes can be customized using custom activities and workflows. Use included activities or create new ones for payment processing, integration with other systems or other tasks. Activities are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation and workflows can be customized using GUI designer.

Pluggable Search Engine

Virto Commerce enables various integration methods. You can use provided OData/Rest Web Services, SOAP Web Services or integrate directly with a database using SQL Server Integration Services.

Dependency Injection & IoCTo make sure Virto Commerce is loosely coupled and can be easily extended, the Unity Dependency Injection Container is used both in Front-end Accelerator and back-end application (Commerce Manager).


Business processes can be customized using custom activities and workflows. Use included activities or create new ones for payment processing, integration with other systems or other tasks. Activities are implemented using Windows Workflow Foundation and workflows can be customized using GUI designer.

How to Choose Virto Commerce Hosting Solution

To find Virto Commerce hosting solution is quite hard since there are many hosting provider that offer windows hosting. But with this review, we will give you some tips to find Virto Commerce hosting solution

Find the Provider that Fully Support in Windows Hosting

As Virto Commerce requires .net to install it, then you need to find the hosting provider that fully compatible with Windows. We would recommend you to find hosting provider that only FOCUS in Windows, like ASPHostPortal and DiscountASP.NET

Has Good Reputation in Web Hosting Industry

Before opening new account with hosting providers, you need to have an all-sided understanding about your hosting provider. The best way to get an idea of a company is to search a large amount of related information on the Internet. Providers like ASPHostPortal concentrating on ASP.NET hosting services and they have great knowledgeable in ASP.NET. This company has run their business for more than 8 years. This is good advantage to choose them as your ASP.NET hosting provider.

High Performance and Reliability

High performance is really important to run e-commerce business. The frequent downtime has a bad influence on website reliability. Visitors are disgusted with the sites that suffer downtime frequently. Thus, you need to choose a qualified hosting provider that guarantees at least 99.9% uptime by using top-level data centers along with cutting-edge technologies. Besides, you need attach great importance to page loading speed and select a web host coming with high-performance hardware and robust web servers.

Money Back Guarantee

We believe that almost big ASP.NET hosting providers provide money back guarantee. So, if you don’t satisfy with their services, you can cancel it anytime. Basically, most hosting providers provide 30 days money back guarantee. We believe it is enough for you to try their hosting services.

Knowledgeable Technical Support

Technical support is important for you when any problem happens to the website. The fastest ways to contact the support staffs are live chat and phone call, which are suitable for people who have some urgent issues. And also, email is an effective method to get a solution from the support team. For the issues may happen in any time, the technical support should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our Editor Recommendation for Virto Commerce Hosting Solution

Budget Virto Commerce Hosting Solution – ASPHostPortal

asphostportal-first-pageASPHostPortal was launched in 2008. They are one of the best Windows Hosting in United States is This company currently supports Windows Server 2012 hosting with ASP.NET 4.5 / 4.5.1 / 4.5.2, MVC 5.1 / 5.1.1 / 5.1.2, Visual Studio 2012, WebSockets, IIS 8.5 and support the latest Microsoft technology. All of its Windows hosting services are 100% compatible with Virto Commerce shopping cart.

The price of Windows hosting packages is quite competitive, especially the Host One which we may recommend most here. Going through this promotional link directly and you will get FREE DOMAIN or DOUBLE SQL SPACE, the Host One Windows hosting package is $5.00/mo.

Clients can start from just $5.00/month to host Virto Commerce site which is very affordable. This company also offer rich Virto Commerce hosting features. With $5.00/month, clients get 5 GB disk space, 60 GB bandwith, FREE domain, 2 MSSQL database, unlimited email accounts

The company offers money back guarantee if any of the clients fail to get the desired results. If the company does not work up to the expectations in a certain month, and the valid refund period is 30 days. In addition, the customer service is based on US and the representatives are working 24/7.

Best European Virto Commerce Hosting Solution – HostForLIFEASP.NET

hostforlife_first_pageHostForLIFEASP.NET is the most budget European ASP.NET hosting provider we have reviewed. Founded in 2008, the company is now serving for over 20,000 ASP.NET websites with its budget-saving ASP.NET web hosting plans and cutting-edge Microsoft technologies.

HostForLIFEASP.NET has 4 ASP.NET hosting plans named Classic, Budget, Economy and Business, among which the Classic plan is regarded as the best deal. HostForLIFEASP.NET Classic plan is priced at €3.00/mo.

For customers who need a shorter term, HostForLIFEASP.NET also allows quarterly billing to make sure that they can enjoy the best Virto Commerce hosting services without worrying about the security of their purchase.

HostForLIFEASP.NET offers unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwith, 1 MS SQL and 1 MySQL. These resources are sufficient for a small to medium sized Virto Commerce website with up to 600 daily page views. Running on the latest Windows 2012/Windows 2008 with isolated application pools and full trust allowed, all customers’ websites are guaranteed to gain best performance.

Best Recommendation Australia Virto Commerce Hosting Solution –, operated in Sydney, AU, has devoted into best ASP.NET hosting service in Australia since 2013. Their hosting service compatible with Virto Commerce. owns two data centers, which located in United States and Australia respectively. Both data centers  are Tier-1 and highly secured, which give a good reason for to guarantee 99.9% up time. For better hosting experience, customers can choose one of them according to their location. offers 24/7 expert tech support. Customers can contact it via Support Portal. The company has developed a Knowledge Base so that its customers could diagnose issues by themselves. Besides these, people can check out Community Forum for any programming, site design, and marketing issues.