5 Best Cheap ASP.NET React JS Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

According to Statista, React has quickly grown to be one of the most popular frameworks for creating contemporary web applications, with 42.62% of respondents claiming to use it.

Facebook created the JavaScript library React, which was used, among other things, to create Instagram.com. It aims to make it simple for developers to build quick user interfaces for both websites and applications. Virtual DOM is React.js’ central idea. It is a JavaScript component-based tree that was made with React that resembles a DOM tree. It updates your React components with the least amount of DOM manipulation possible.

First of all, Facebook used React in 2011 and 2012. React was used exclusively to create Instagram. React is currently being used on the home pages and other web pages of Netflix, Imgur, Bleacher Report, Feedly, Airbnb, SeatGeek, HelloSign, and other websites, according to the JavaScript analytics service Libscore.

Choosing ReactJS Hosting Provider

The success of your project can be significantly impacted by React applications. It is important to find best and reliable ReactJS hosting provider.

This decision may have an impact on the workflow, scalability, and performance of your application. Therefore, it’s crucial to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of various hosting providers.

There is a hosting platform out there that can meet your needs, regardless of whether you’re creating a straightforward static website, a challenging full-stack application, or something in between.

You can choose the best hosting for your React applications by reading on as we examine each provider’s features, pricing, performance, and support services, as well as who they are best suited for.

Top 5 Best Cheap ReactJS Hosting Provider

1. ASPHostPortal

The best hosting for React applications that we have discovered is ASPHostPortal. Their App Platform is a cutting-edge Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution that gives developers an easy-to-use interface for quickly building, deploying, and scaling apps.

ASPHostPortal supports a wide range of well-known programming languages, including JavaScript (ReactJS, Node.js), ASP.NET Core, and PHP, and comes with pre-configured application runtime environments.

Data centers are located in many places around the world like Seatle, Washington, Ontario, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milan, Singapore, HongKong, New Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, and also Sydney as part of the global infrastructure of the ASPHostPortal App Platform. This has a significant benefit in terms of lowering latency and improving the user experience for a worldwide audience.

The pricing structure is simple, with the Host Intro plan starting at just $1 per month. Larger projects may choose the Host Three or above plan instead, which offers more features and resources.

24/7 customer support is offered by ASPHostPortal, along with a variety of resources like a sizable tutorial library, discussion forums, and community resources.


[su_service title=”Powerful and scalable app hosting platform” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Easy for deployment” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Support many programming languages” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Reliable and scalable hosting platform” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Affordable hosting plan starts from $1.00/month” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]


[su_service title=”No Databases on lowest plan” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Limited Disk Space and Bandwidth on lowest plan” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]

2. HostForLIFE.eu

For developers using this well-liked JavaScript library, HostForLIFE.eu is a reputable supplier that provides specialized React Hosting services.

HostForLIFE Hosting uses turbo servers, which are renowned for their high performance and impressive speed and promise up to 20 times faster page loads than traditional hosting companies. They have many data centers in Europe, including Paris, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milan, so if you are based in Europe, I highly recommend you to use HostForLIFE.eu hosting.

Their Node.js-ready React hosting solutions make it possible for developers to get started quickly with the least amount of setup. Additionally fully scalable, HostForLIFE Hosting’s React environment serves expanding companies or popular applications like ASP.NET and also WordPress.

HostForLIFE Hosting offers competitive plans with monthly prices beginning at €3.49 and the amazing fact is the renewal price remain same.

Their extensive knowledge base is filled with useful tutorials and guides, and their Guru Crew Support team is available 24/7/365 to help you with any problems. Additionally, they provide a seamless migration service that makes it simple for you to transfer your current website to their platform.

In essence, HostForLIFE Hosting is a strong contender for your React app hosting needs because it offers a stable, high-performance environment specifically designed for React applications, supported by first-rate customer service.


[su_service title=”Optimized for frontend developers” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Intuitive and easy to use” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Fast, secure, and reliable hosting” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Higher performance hosting” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”FREE SSL certificate” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]


[su_service title=”Advanced features like Crystal Report and SSRS are addon” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]

3. WindowsASPNETHosting.in


Hosting React applications is made possible by WindowsASPNETHosting’s robust platform for creating, distributing, and hosting static websites and Jamstack applications.

When you push to your repository using the platform’s continuous deployment from Git feature, updates are automatically published to your site. Additionally, it supports serverless functions, giving you a way to give your React apps dynamic functionality.

No matter where your users are located, WindowsASPNETHosting’s global application delivery network makes sure your application is quick and dependable. Additionally, it takes care of automatic processes like distribution to edge locations, caching, and asset optimization.

For small projects, WindowsASPNETHosting’s Personal plan, which offers the most basic hosting features, is frequently sufficient. Developers can choose the Pro plan, which comes with features like project collaboration, advanced SSL, and priority support, for larger projects.

The platform provides straightforward, simple-to-understand documentation and email-based support. Although it may not have as many features as some other platforms, front-end developers frequently choose it because of its simplicity and usability.

For developers looking for a quick and easy way to host static websites and Javascript-based applications, WindowsASPNETHosting.in is a great hosting company.


[su_service title=”Simple publishing method” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Support custom domains and HTTPS” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Easy to learn for new user” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Support full-stack applications” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Affordable princing” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]


[su_service title=”Not too rich features” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”No server side processing” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]

4. UKWindowsHostASP.NET

Excellent for hosting static sites, UKWindowsHostASP.NET provides seamless integration with the larger UKWindowsHostASP ecosystem. It’s perfect for developers who want a simple way to host their static React applications and already use UKWindowsHostASP for version control.

Simple setup involves creating a repository, pushing your code, and then launching your website. Your website will load quickly for users from all over the world thanks to its global infrastructure.

There are restrictions because it is a host for static sites. Due to the lack of server-side functionalities, UKWindowsHostASP.NET is not the ideal platform for developing complex, dynamic applications. But it’s a great option for open-source projects, personal projects, and static websites.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET price is also affordable for developer starting from £2.99/month. This plan has come with 1 GB Disk Space and 20 GB Bandwidth, it is suitable for developer that want to test to deploy to their hosting environment. If you need more usage, you can upgrade to higher plan.

They have 24/7 support in case if you have issues and they also have clean documentation how to deploy ReactJS on their hosting environment

In conclusion, UKWindowsHostASP.NET offers an effective, simple, and affordable solution for hosting static React applications.


[su_service title=”Support custom domains” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Simple to use and setup” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Perfect for personal website” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Fast and reliable hosting” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Highly scalable” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]


[su_service title=”Enterprise plan are costly” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]

5. DiscountService.biz

For good reason, DiscountService.biz has a solid reputation in the development industry. It is adored for its efficient workflows, cutting-edge collaboration tools, and adaptable integration possibilities.

Millions of independent contractors and thousands of teams who would rather concentrate on building than worry about servers and DevOps use Netlify as a front-to-back solution.

Key features

  • Edge functions – run serverless JavaScript/TypeScript functions right from DiscountService’s Edge network;
  • Previews – share progress with stakeholders and ask them for feedback;

DiscountService’s Economy plan offers background operations, password protection, 20 GB of bandwidth, 25 000 build minutes, audit logs with a 7 day history, shared environment variables, Slack and email notifications, support for email, and organization-owned private Git repositories. This plan priced at $6.04/month.

In conclusion, DiscountService.biz offers an effective, simple, and affordable solution for hosting static React applications.


[su_service title=”Simple to use” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”FREE SSL Certificate” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Reliable and scalable platform” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Perfect for medium size websites” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]


[su_service title=”Long term contract to get more discount” icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#55f700″ size=”22″][/su_service]

How to Choose ReactJS Hosting Provider

1. Easy to Deploy

Always choose a hosting service that provides unrivaled usability. User-friendly hosting services give you the ability to quickly modify your apps while they are running in addition to enabling you to build and deploy web and mobile apps with just a few clicks.

2. Support Multiple Language

Programming languages like Javascript, CSS, and HTML are all compatible with React apps. To meet your coding needs in any deployment environment, look for React hosting service providers with customer-centric programming language support.

3. Scalable and Reliable

You must use automatic scalability functionalities when creating websites and mobile applications. They give you the ability to scale your applications and data effectively as they expand. Cloud-based hosting service providers can scale up with you to keep up with the expansion of your app.

4. Security

Ensure that the hosting provider prioritizes security and offers robust measures to protect your React application from potential threats. Look for features like SSL certificates, firewalls, regular backups, and intrusion detection systems.

5. Pricing and Cost

Consider your budget and compare pricing plans among different hosting providers. Look for providers that offer flexible pricing options, transparent pricing structures, and value-added features that align with your needs.

6. Customer Reviews

Research customer reviews and feedback about the hosting provider to gauge their reputation and customer satisfaction. Look for testimonials, ratings, and reviews from other ReactJS developers to get insights into their experience with the provider.


This comprehensive list of the top React app hosting services should be able to assist you in meeting all of your requirements for creating, deploying, and customizing web and mobile React apps. Any use case or coding scenario involving React apps can be supported by these five hosting options.