.NET MAUI - Things To Avoid! - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

The desire to reach as many users as possible in the rapidly changing digital ecosystem of today has given rise to creative cross-platform development tools. Introducing the Multi-Application User Interface, or.NET MAUI, a proof of this evolution. The modern tool from Microsoft for developing cross-platform apps with a single codebase for operating systems like Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and iOS is called.NET MAUI, and it takes the place of Xamarin.Forms.

However, why is.NET MAUI becoming so popular? It’s the appeal of developing your app’s code only once and having it run on several different platforms. This guarantees consistency across various operating systems while also saving time. However, while.NET MAUI has many benefits, it also has drawbacks, just like any other development tool.

This is the point at which best practices become important. As developers, we frequently get lost in a maze of libraries, codes, and design choices. We use best practices as a compass to help us navigate this maze and make sure our applications function properly and efficiently. The purpose of this post is to highlight ten things that should be avoided when using.NET MAUI for development. These observations can act as fresh lessons or helpful reminders to improve your app development journey, regardless of your level of experience with MAUI.

1. Avoiding Cross-Platform Benefits

Cross-platform development is appealing because it promises to be written once and run everywhere. .NET MAUI, Xamarin’s replacement.Forms is brimming with features designed to fulfill this promise. However, if one has a tendency to write code that is platform-specific, the power of this framework may go unutilized.

The Essence of Cross-Platform

The concept of abstracting away platform-specific details to provide a single API surface for UI and platform features is the foundation of.NET MAUI. This guarantees consistent behavior across different platforms in addition to decreasing the size of the codebase.

The Temptation of Platform-Specific Code

Despite the wide range of cross-platform features that MAUI provides, developers frequently find themselves tempted to use platform-specific code, particularly when attempting to precisely modify UI elements or when confronted with platform-exclusive features. Nevertheless, overdoing it can:

  • Complicate Maintenance: As the amount of platform-specific code increases, you may encounter problems or bugs that are unique to a particular platform. This may increase the time and difficulty of maintenance.
  • Reduce Code Reusability: Reusability is one of the key benefits of cross-platform development. This benefit is diminished when platform-specific code is used excessively, which results in repeated work for functions that are similar across platforms.

Embracing Platform-Agnostic Features

MAUI is about adopting a unified development approach rather than just designing UI that looks the same on all platforms.

  • Leverage MAUI Handlers: The new handler architecture in.NET MAUI allows you to control native controls with greater detail. This usually lessens the requirement for platform-specific adjustments.
  • Explore MAUI’s Extensive Library: Examine what MAUI comes with out of the box before delving into platform-specific code. You can frequently find plugins or built-in solutions that meet your needs.

Striking the Right Balance

There will be situations where it is actually necessary to write platform-specific code. Making sure it’s the exception rather than the rule is crucial. When necessary, neatly divide it while maintaining the cross-platform core logic.

2. Not Updating Visual Studio and Tooling

Staying current in a world where technology is advancing at a rapid pace involves more than just having the newest features—it also involves compatibility, security, and performance. This is especially true for developers who use the supplemental tooling that comes with developing.NET MAUI applications and tools like Visual Studio.

The Evolutionary Pace of Tools

Updates are often made to development tools, particularly those that are maintained by industry titans such as Microsoft. These updates include bug fixes, performance enhancements, new features, and updates that streamline the development process—they’re not just about spicing up buttons and themes.

Security Implications

Vulnerabilities exist in older tools. Tooling providers scramble to fix security flaws as soon as they are found. Using an out-of-date version exposes you to known vulnerabilities that could compromise your data or application.

Compatibility Concerns

Since.NET MAUI is still relatively new, it is actively being developed. Using out-of-date tools could cause compatibility problems for you. It’s possible that more recent versions of MAUI and older versions of Visual Studio won’t function perfectly together.

Performance Bottlenecks

New versions of tools frequently result in enhanced performance. Relying on an outdated version could prevent you from taking advantage of optimizations that could shorten the time it takes to develop and compile.

Avoiding the Update Dread

It can be intimidating to update your tools, particularly if you’re in the middle of a project. There is a genuine fear of breaking something. Nevertheless, the possible problems that could arise from failing to update frequently outweigh the brief inconvenience of switching to a new version.

3. Overusing Custom Renderers

When it comes to creating a platform-specific user interface feature that the framework does not directly support, custom renderers are a priceless tool for anyone new to.NET MAUI. But as with all powerful instruments, there are drawbacks.

The Necessity of Custom Renderers

Platform-specific functionality and generic cross-platform controls in.NET MAUI are connected by custom renderers. Sometimes your specific needs won’t be met by the default MAUI controls, in which case custom renderers will step in to save the day.

The Perils of Overindulgence

But here’s where the trap is. It’s easy to think of custom renderers as the answer to every little difference between what MAUI offers and the desired user interface. This strategy may result in:

  • Performance hiccups: Your app might become slower as a result of the extra complexity added by each custom renderer.
  • Maintainability challenges: It gets harder to update or refactor your application the more custom renderers you have. Furthermore, there’s always a chance that custom renderers will malfunction or become outdated due to framework updates.

Striking the Balance

Determine when a custom renderer is actually required. Think about these inquiries:

  • Is the desired functionality genuinely platform-specific, or is there a way to accomplish it with a cross-platform solution?
  • Exists a community plugin or a planned MAUI update that could fulfill this requirement?
  • Is the custom renderer chasing a passing fad, or will it last for a long time?

Performance and Maintainability

Custom renderers have the potential to cause performance bottlenecks in your app, aside from the initial development time. They also increase the technical debt of the app, which makes updates more difficult in the future.

Guidance for the Journey

  • Document Thoroughly: When a custom renderer is introduced, make sure its documentation explains why it exists and how it works. When you go back over the code, this will be really helpful for future developers or even for you.
  • Stay Updated: Pay attention to MAUI’s progress. What needs a custom renderer now could be integrated into a feature tomorrow.

4. Neglecting Performance Optimizations

Your application’s silent evangelist is your performance. It frequently makes the difference between an app that is adored and frequently used and one that is deleted after just one use. Developers can create effective mobile apps with the powerful tools and features that.NET MAUI offers. However, the effectiveness of any tool is dependent on how it is used.

The Impact of UI Thread

The visual and interactive components of an app are powered by the User Interface (UI) thread. Ensuring seamless and responsive functionality guarantees a positive user experience.

  • Offload Heavy Computations: Any heavy processing or non-user interface (UI) task should be offloaded from the UI thread through the use of asynchronous programming, like the C# async and await keywords. This makes sure that even when the app is processing data or retrieving information, it stays responsive.

Profiling: The First Step Towards Optimization

“You can’t improve something if you can’t measure it.” Prior to optimizing, it is critical to identify the locations of performance bottlenecks.

  • Leverage Diagnostic Tools:For your MAUI app, use tools like the Xamarin Profiler to identify performance hotspots. Your optimization efforts will be guided by metrics analysis of memory allocations, CPU utilization, and other data.
  • Regularly Monitor App’s Performance: Include profiling on a regular basis in your cycle of development. Keep an eye on the app’s performance as new features are added to make sure no new problems arise.

Avoid Overdraw

When an application draws the same pixel more than once in a single frame, it is said to have overdrawn. When layering several visual elements or using a lot of transparency in MAUI, exercise caution.

Images and Graphics

Graphics can be resource-intensive even though they improve aesthetics.

  • Optimize Image Resources: Utilize tools to reduce image size without sacrificing quality. Make sure you’re using the appropriate resolution for the various screen densities as well.
  • Leverage Vector Graphics: Use SVGs, or vector graphics, whenever possible as they scale smoothly without requiring additional resources across a range of screen sizes and densities.

Stay Updated with MAUI’s Best Practices

Since .NET MAUI is a platform that is always changing, new performance optimizations and best practices are frequently introduced. Keep up with the most recent advice from the MAUI team and the larger community.

5. Disregarding User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Guidelines

The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” frequently doesn’t apply in the digital sphere. An app’s user interface and experience are crucial factors in determining its success. It has never been easier to create an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive application than with.NET MAUI. To guarantee consistency and intuitiveness, it is essential to follow platform-specific guidelines.

Understanding the Essence of Platform Guidelines

Every operating system has a unique style of design. Take the Human Interface Guidelines for iOS and Material Design for Android, for example. Years of research and development have shaped these guidelines, which are designed to give users the most seamless and intuitive experience possible.

  • Consistency Across Apps: On their individual platforms, users are habituated to particular button locations, gestures, and navigation patterns. Following these guidelines gives your app a natural, intuitive feel.

Beware of the “One Size Fits All” Trap

By definition, cross-platform development revolves around code reuse. But the user interface and user experience shouldn’t always translate seamlessly from one platform to another.

  • Adaptive Design: For brand consistency, a single design is necessary, but it should also be modified to suit the particulars of each platform. For example, on iOS, navigation bars usually show up at the top, but on Android, they might show up at the bottom.

Feedback and Interactivity

A responsive app considers feedback in addition to speed. Ensure that users are aware of the registration of an action.

  • Visual and Tactile Feedback: Users should be informed about the outcome of their actions through visual cues, haptic feedback, and animations.

Typography and Readability

The majority of apps heavily rely on text content. It is critical to ensure readability and aesthetic appeal.

  • Platform-Specific Fonts: Observe font specific to each platform. Every operating system typically has a favorite font family that is best suited for the readability and display on its hardware.

Regularly Update Your Design Knowledge

Design principles and trends change over time. Review the platform’s design guidelines on a regular basis to make sure your app is still compliant with the most recent suggestions.

6. Failing to Test on Multiple Devices

Cross-platform frameworks such as.NET MAUI are attractive because they enable developers to write once and run anywhere. However, there’s a catch to this promise: different platforms and devices may introduce subtle differences that could lead to unexpected behavior in your app. Therefore, it is not only advised but also necessary to test across a wide range of devices.

The Diversity of the Device Ecosystem

The world of mobile devices is very large. The combinations are nearly infinite, ranging from different form factors, pixel densities, and screen resolutions to variations in hardware capabilities.

Code Sample — Detecting Screen Dimensions:

using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
Size screenSize = Device.Display.MainDisplayInfo.Dimensions;
double screenWidth = screenSize.Width;
double screenHeight = screenSize.Height;

This short C# code sample shows you how to retrieve the screen dimensions in.NET MAUI so you can modify your user interface appropriately. But keep in mind that something may not appear or work properly on another screen just because it fits on one.

Emulators vs. Real Devices

Because of their ease of use, emulators are great for the early stages of development, but they fall short of fully capturing the functionality of an actual device. It is only possible to accurately assess certain factors on a physical device, including touch responsiveness, battery consumption, real device performance, and more.

  • Hardware Limitations: Some features may vary greatly between devices, such as gyroscope functionality, camera quality, and biometric authentication. Verifying that your application can manage these hardware differences is ensured by testing it on actual devices.

Diverse Operating System Versions

Not every user updates their gadgets to the newest operating system. Backward compatibility is ensured by testing your application on various OS versions. Your application should handle older OS versions gracefully.

Automated Testing on Multiple Devices

It can be a laborious procedure to manually test on numerous devices. instruments such as Xamarin.This can be automated with UITest or App Center Test, enabling you to test your application on multiple devices at once.

7. Ignoring Memory Management Best Practices

Effective memory management is a need rather than a luxury in the fast-paced world of mobile app development, where responsiveness and performance can make or break user experience. Despite being a powerful framework,.NET MAUI does not relieve developers of the need to handle memory carefully. Ignoring this can result in unanticipated crashes, slow app performance, and a worsened user experience.

Understanding Memory Leaks

Memory leaks happen when items are referenced after they are no longer needed but aren’t picked up by the trash collector. These leaks have the potential to compound over time, increasing memory usage and ultimately resulting in app crashes.

Bindings and Event Handlers

Mishandled event handlers and bindings are a common cause of memory leaks in.NET MAUI applications. It can stop objects from being garbage collected when an event handler is attached but not detached or when objects are bound but not unbound.

public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
    public MainPage()
        this.Appearing += MainPage_Appearing;

    private void MainPage_Appearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Do something

    protected override void OnDisappearing()
        this.Appearing -= MainPage_Appearing; // Detach the event handler

The event handlers are attached and detached correctly in the C# snippet above, allowing the MainPage to be garbage collected when it’s no longer needed.

Using Weak References

Weak references let you store a reference to an object, but they don’t stop the garbage collector from picking it up. When it comes to large objects or caching scenarios, they are extremely helpful.

Tools to the Rescue

Memory leak detection and memory usage monitoring can be greatly aided by the use of tools such as the built-in diagnostic tools in Visual Studio or the Xamarin Profiler. Regular app profiling can assist in identifying problems before they become more serious.

Dispose of Disposable Objects

Make sure to always call the Dispose method of an object that implements the IDisposable interface, or use the using statement if necessary. This guarantees the proper release of any unmanaged resources.

Mind the Collection

Steer clear of long-term collections that keep expanding forever. Make sure you are always getting rid of stuff that isn’t needed. Here, tools like WeakReference can be very beneficial.

8. Not Implementing Proper Error Handling

One area that often receives less attention than it should in the rush to enhance functionality, improve performance, and simplify the UI/UX is error handling. The unsung hero of a flawless user experience is robust error handling. Without it, even the most advanced app may malfunction due to unanticipated events, frustrating users and turning them away.

Understanding the Value of Error Handling

While errors are an inevitable part of any application, the resilience and dependability of your application are determined by how your.NET MAUI app handles errors. When errors are handled correctly, the program can either fail gracefully or, at the absolute least, stop causing problems for the user and provide helpful feedback.

Categorizing Errors

Broadly, errors can be categorized into:

  • Expected Errors: These are foreseeable and frequently result from user behavior like incorrect input or unsuccessful network requests. Clear user feedback should be used when handling these.
  • Unexpected Errors: These are unanticipated problems that might result from bugs or other unforeseen circumstances. These ought to be recorded and perhaps reported again for additional examination.
    // Some code that might throw an exception
catch (NetworkException ex)
    // Handle expected network error
    DisplayAlert("Network Error", "Please check your internet connection.", "OK");
catch (Exception ex)
    // Handle unexpected errors
    Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); // Log the error for debugging
    DisplayAlert("Error", "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.", "OK");

The application in the C# snippet above handles a predictable NetworkException by alerting the user, while other unexpected errors are logged for troubleshooting and send the user a generic message.

Silent Failures — A Double-Edged Sword

While making sure the application doesn’t crash is crucial, troubleshooting can become extremely difficult if the application fails silently without alerting the user or logging the error. Make sure there is a system in place to record these unnoticed errors at all times.

Utilize Global Exception Handlers

.NET MAUI provides global exception handlers like AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException and TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException, which can be used to capture unhandled exceptions and provide a cohesive error management strategy.

Incorporate Logging

Include a reliable logging system. Rich logging features can be added to.NET MAUI apps by integrating tools like Serilog or NLog. When troubleshooting problems after release, these logs can be quite helpful.

Feedback to Users

Always offer concise, easy-to-understand feedback for mistakes. An unclear error message such as “An error occurred” can cause users’ confusion and frustration. Strive for more enlightening feedback instead, and remember never to reveal sensitive system information.

9. Overcomplicating Architecture

A well-known proverb in the software development industry is “Keep It Simple, Stupid” (KISS). This idea is very clear, especially when you take your.NET MAUI applications’ architecture into account. A complex architecture can introduce unnecessary complexity that degrades the overall performance and dependability of your application, in addition to making development and maintenance more difficult.

The Allure of the New and Complex

In the quickly changing tech world, there’s always a new library, a new pattern, or an inventive way to organize your application. As important as it is to stay current, it’s just as important to assess whether the “new” actually adds value over the “tried and true.”

Problems with Overcomplication

  1. Reduced Maintainability: Even experienced developers may find it difficult to understand the codebase if the architecture is unduly complex. This may lengthen the time needed to introduce features or address bugs.
  2. Performance Overheads: Performance bottlenecks may be introduced by superfluous layers or abstractions. Recall that the runtime efficiency of your code can be affected by each extra layer it must traverse.
  3. Increased Bug Surface: Often, complexity increases the possibility of error. The likelihood of something breaking increases proportionately with the number of moving parts.
  4. Delayed Time-to-Market:Product releases and updates may be delayed by a complex system’s time-consuming implementation of new features or modifications.

Guidelines to Avoid Overcomplication

  1. Stick to Known Patterns: MVVM, MVC, and Clean Architecture are examples of patterns that have been around for a while and have shown to be useful in a variety of situations. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of a new pattern or architecture in the context of your application before implementing it.
  2. Prioritize Simplicity:Consider whether a new element or layer in your architecture is actually required before adding it. A more straightforward approach is frequently more successful and efficient.
  3. Revisit and Refactor: It’s normal for certain sections of your app to get more complicated than they need to be as it gets larger. Maintaining a streamlined and manageable architecture requires regular revisits and refactorings.
  4. Document Decisions: Record the reasoning behind any major architectural decision that is made. This reduces future complexity and aids in the understanding of the context by other developers.

10. Skipping Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

CI/CD is more than just a luxury in today’s world of rapid development—it’s an absolute necessity. The foundation of a quick and effective delivery pipeline is provided by continuous integration and development (CI/CD) procedures, particularly in the context of mobile app development where users constantly expect updates and new features.

Understanding the Significance of CI/CD

  • The automated integration of code modifications from various contributors into a single software project is the main focus of continuous integration (CI). This lowers the possibility of integration issues by guaranteeing that code merged into the main repository is tested.
  • Automating the delivery of applications to specific infrastructure environments is the main goal of continuous deployment, or CD. This implies that, with a properly configured CD, users will always have access to the most recent version because every modification that makes its way through the production pipeline will be released to them automatically.

Why Skipping CI/CD is Detrimental

  1. Increased Deployment Risks: Applications may malfunction due to a higher likelihood of errors in the combined code in the absence of continuous integration (CI). By preventing manual code deployment and integration, CD lowers the possibility of human error.
  2. Delayed Feedback: Instant feedback is one of the key benefits of CI. Automated tests run when developers integrate their code to confirm the modifications. Ignoring this causes feedback to be delayed, which can cause development cycles to lag.
  3. Inefficient Resource Utilization:Not only are manual testing and deployment resource-intensive but also prone to errors. Process automation frees up human resources for more important work.
  4. Inconsistent Environments: There could be differences between the development, testing, and production environments if CI/CD isn’t set up correctly. These discrepancies may result in the infamous “it works on my machine” phenomenon.

Overcoming CI/CD Hesitation

  • Embrace Automation: Recognize that automation is not a replacement but a help. It speeds up delivery, guarantees consistency, and cuts down on redundancy.
  • Invest in Training: Teams frequently neglect CI/CD because of a lack of experience. Investing in training or employing professionals with experience can swiftly address this.
  • Start Small: Rather than starting from scratch, automate small portions of the development cycle at first, and as the team gains comfort, go larger.


The process of learning the complexities of.NET MAUI development has been extensive, and although it can be easy to consider each recommended practice to be independent, they are all interconnected to produce a streamlined and effective application. Every stage of the process, from deciding to use cross-platform benefits at the outset to staying current with tooling to implementing cutting-edge strategies like CI/CD, is crucial to creating a successful mobile application.

The margin for error is extremely narrow in today’s rapidly changing technological environment, where user expectations are constantly changing and competition is only a click away. Following best practices involves more than just avoiding mistakes; it also entails paving the way for consistency, maintainability, and providing end users with unmatched value.

It’s also important to keep in mind that, even though best practices offer a great foundation, things are constantly changing. Continue to learn, be inquisitive, and review your procedures frequently to make sure they are up to date with industry developments.