Depth Review - vs ASP.NET Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Every business—and that includes small businesses, large organizations, and individual sole-proprietorships—needs a website, but the monthly costs can mean the difference between having a full-blown ecommerce presence or just a static page with hours and location. Let’s face it, if you’re creating a website for a business, cost is a critically important consideration.

There are plenty of tools out there that let you build attractive, yet functional, websites. But the first step is to select a host. A Web host is the company whose servers you will be using to store and deliver the files which make up your website. In this review, we will compare between and We will review their hosting pricing, performance, features, and also their support. We hope this review will help you to find the best hosting for your requirements.

Short Introduction about Them

Who is

WebWiz is the well-known UK hosting company founded in 2001 operated in South Coast of UK, reputed in their shared web hosting service. WebWiz provides the comprehensive web hosting plans including shared web hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated server and domain registration as well.

Who is have been providing internet services since 1998, and were originally formed from a sucessful consultancy that provided IT and internet consultancy services to clients that have included HBOS, Pilkington Glass and Everton FC to name but a few. vs ASP.NET Hosting Pricing

In order to learn about each company directly, we have listed the noticeable features in the following table.
Hosting PlanStandardPersonal
Disk Space5 GB20 GB
Bandwith30 GBUnlimited
Hosted Domains11
Email Accounts2510
Control PanelPleskPlesk
Full TrustNoNo
MSSQL Database1-
Money Back GuaranteeYesYes
Price $2.60/mo £2.95/mo have three plans; namely, standard, advanced and the professional plans. All these plans provide unlimited bandwidth, except their Standard plan. The Standard plan can host one website only while advanced can host 3 websites and Professional can host 6 websites.

webwiz_hosting_plan offers 4 ASP.NET hosting plan. The lowest plan named Personal plan start from £2.95/month, WordPress plan from £4.95/month, Professional Web from £6.95 and the latest plan named Designer Web plan from £9.95/month. This company also offer 30 days money back guarantee.

With above comparison we can see that their price and feature almost same, little bit cheaper than If we compare with other ASP.NET hosting provider in UK like HostForLIFEASP.NET, then HostForLIFEASP.NET is more interesting than both of them. Here is complete HostForLIFEASP.NET shared hosting plan

Classic Plan
ASP.NET Plan for Beginner
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
2 MSSQL database
5 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Budget Plan
ASP.NET for Small Site
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
4 MSSQL database
10 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Economy Plan
Recommended for Developer
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
6 MSSQL database
15 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Business Plan
ASP.NET for Business Plan
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
10 MSSQL database
20 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site vs ASP.NET Hosting Performance and perform quite differently on performance. As we have monitored the uptime and server response time of all the 2 companies for over 12 months, is better than, both can also keep 99.9% uptime, but is 17% faster than HostingUK.NET. See the real-time statistics chart as the following.

But if we compare with other ASP.NET hosting provider in United Kingdom such as HostForLIFEASP.NET andUKWindowsHostASP.NET, we found that this both hosting provider is faster than and Both HostForLIFEASP.NET and UKWindowsHostASP.NET only takes 200-250 ms to load and this is very great choice for your ASP.NET site. Your site will be run faster. vs HostingUK.NET ASP.NET Hosting Support hires engineers who are 24/7 available for customers via email, phone and live chat. All of them have strong ASP.NET hosting experience so they can always help customers find solutions as soon as possible.

From users experience, we have checked many complaints with support. They don’t take care with your site and lack of professionalism. Although you can contact them via phone, but sometimes they are hanging the phone so long, that makes customer really frustrated with them.


We’ve compared key features of both and HostingUK.NET. Although they support ASP.NET hosting as well, but if you need good performance and rich features ASP.NET hosting plan, then we would recommend you to use HostForLIFEASP.NET.
