How to Implement Caching Mechanism ASP.NET Core API & Blazor - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

What is meant by caching? A basic explanation of the caching mechanism is given, along with instructions on how to implement it using the ASP.NET Core API.


The quantity of thumbnails and calculations involved in recent projects has prevented each screen from rendering at the appropriate speed. To improve data reading speed, other optimizations such as lazy loading and T-SQL can be applied in addition to the own code optimization.

Caching is another technique that can be utilized in addition to these to improve performance. This article describes how to set up a caching mechanism using the ASP.NET Core API and the Blazor WASM architecture.

Caching Mechanism

Caching is the process of using or reading data that has already been stored. The speed can be effectively increased and the website’s load can be decreased because there is no need to re-obtain files from the database or server.

Fluency issues will unavoidably arise if the website is static, requires a lot of static resources, or requires the resources to load each time a user visits the website. In this instance, transmission speed and static resource performance can be effectively increased by using a CDN (Content Delivery Network) service, which operates over a global network made up of server nodes. Caching technology makes use of pre-stored static resources across multiple locations to achieve efficient transmission.

By pre-storing data in memory, a similar caching mechanism can be implemented within the backend API to enable efficient data transmission. The purpose of this article is to explain how to use the MemoryCache class for caching. The IDistributedCache class can be used for distributed systems or larger websites, but it might take me more time to comprehend and implement.

Appropriate usage situations

Since the data is stored in memory, if you choose to use the MemoryCache class for caching, it will vanish if the application is closed or restarted, the system malfunctions, or the system manages and optimizes the memory. As a result, it is not advised to use caching to store crucial data or data that changes regularly as this could lead to inaccurate website content information.


Create cache

Regardless of whether it is a Blazor WASM or a general Web API, the architecture modifies the controller’s API.

code appears as follows:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory;
namespace BlazorApp.Server.Controllers
    public class StorageController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IStorageService _storageService;
        private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;

        public StorageController(IStorageService storageService, IMemoryCache memoryCache)
            _storageService = storageService;
            _cache = memoryCache;

        public async Task<List<S3FileInfo>> GetLogoFileNoCache()
            List<S3FileInfo> FileInfo = await _storageService.GetFileByKeyAsync();
            return FileInfo;

        public async Task<List<S3FileInfo>> GetLogoFile()
            string cacheKey = "logo";
            if (!_cache.TryGetValue<List<S3FileInfo>>(cacheKey, out List<S3FileInfo> cachedData))
                List<S3FileInfo> FileInfo = await _storageService.GetFileByKeyAsync();
                cachedData = FileInfo;

                _cache.Set(cacheKey, cachedData, TimeSpan.FromHours(24));
            return cachedData;

Administrators use the logo/admin-no-cache API, one of the two available. Administrators must verify the data’s accuracy right away because it is a no-cache version.

When the home page loads, the other one is the logo. Setting the cache key to the logo makes sense. You must verify whether data with the key logo is in the cache each time you call.
Use it if it’s there; if not, get the information.

After the data is obtained, store it in the cache and set its expiration date to 24 hours in _cache.Set(cacheKey, cachedData, TimeSpan.FromHours(24)). As a result, the cache will clear every 24 hours, causing the first visitor to the website to load more slowly as the data needs to be retrieved. After that, each subsequent user will still load the page just as quickly and efficiently.

Remove cache

Clearing the cache is sometimes necessary, for example, to enable users to view content that is updated in real time.

Remove specific cache codes:


Get cache list

After creating the cache feature, the admin must have the option to clear the cache in order to receive regularly updated information. They can use the above Remove cache method to further delete the cache key list that is currently kept in memory.

public async Task<List<string>> GetCacheList()
    var field = typeof(MemoryCache).GetProperty("EntriesCollection", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
    var collection = field.GetValue(_cache) as ICollection;
    var items = new List<string>();
    if (collection != null)
       foreach (var item in collection)
           var methodInfo = item.GetType().GetProperty("Key");
           var val = methodInfo.GetValue(item);
    return items;


This is the way that the memory caching mechanism can be implemented using ASP.NET Core. Since it’s simpler to categorize, I personally split the data that needs to be cached into two APIs. Actually, by changing the API conditions, you can choose whether to retrieve actual data or data that has been cached. I think the website can save a lot of money on data transmission if it makes good use of cache and uses cloud databases, S3, and other services.