While in the past it seemed like you could do just fine without the hassle of setting up an SSL certificate, it seems that as of late that might come at a cost to your search ranking. Search engines began taking security status into account a few years ago, and if things continue on that trend, which they most likely will, then you’re best bet is to get yourself an SSL certificate.
Let’s Encrypt Overview
Let’s Encrypt is a new certificate authority that entered the internet scene at the end of 2015.
Let’s Encrypt is not simply another certificate authority, if for no other reason than the certificates are free, whereas the vast majority of existing certificate authorities sell SSL/TLS certificates for a price that depends on the certificate type.
However, Let’s Encrypt is not only free. Quoting the homepage: Let’s Encrypt is free, automated, and open.

How to Setup Let’s Encrypt with ASPHostPortal
To install a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on your domain, follow these steps:
1. Login to Your Plesk Control Panel
2. Find Websites & Domains button:

3. Find SSL/TLS Certificates, then you’ll see Let’s Encrypt button

4. Click ‘Get it free‘ and you will see this page:

5. Fill correct email address in text box
6. Select the Include www.example.com as an alternative domain name check box if you want the SSL certificate to protect your domain with and without the www prefix.
7. Click Install. If installation complete, you will receive message “Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate was successfully installed on example.com“
If installation fails, make sure that your domain name is valid and as explained above, you need to make sure that you have pointed your domain/website to correct IP address.
8. Click Hosting Settings

9. Under Security, confirm the SSL support check box is selected, and the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate is selected in the Certificate list box.

10. Done! You should now have an active SSL certificate under your domain. Definitely not the simplest route, but once you do it a few times you won’t forget the process. Again, not something that is required, but most definitely something that will be more important for search ranking and browser compatibility in the near future.
Conclusion – It is easy to setup Let’s Encrypt
I hope article above help you to install your Let’s Encrypt on Plesk control panel. At ASPHostPortal, their support team will help you in Let’s Encrypt installation. In case you are looking for ASP.NET Hosting that comes with FREE SSL Certificate, then I’d recommend them.