Review - Best Recommendation ASP.NET Hosting in India - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

This post is going to introduce you with a best windows hosting company in India that provides the best service to .NET based websites and online tools. There are very few hosting services that provide satisfactory service to .NET developers, is one of the top of those few service providers in India. Besides, its cost is highly affordable comparing to other similar service providers. Moreover, this .NET hosting service provider is recognized as “Golden hosting provider” by Microsoft which indicates a positive sign to its high quality service. Here I tried to hold up the features of so that you can get a clear idea about this windows hosting service provider. ASP.NET Hosting Features

[su_spoiler title=”Latest and reliable system” style=”fancy”] uses the latest windows OS which is Windows 2012 R2 web edition with the robust IIS 8.5 to ensure the highest quality of service to its customers. Moreover, it continuously optimizes the whole system by it experienced ASP.NET developers. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”.NET technology” style=”fancy”] It supports the latest version of .NET which is .NET Framework 4 along with previous versions like .NET Framework 2 or .NET Framework 3.5SP1. Besides, it supports all .NET based technology such as ASP.NET MVC 2/3/4/5, Silverlight 4/5, WebMatrix, Classic ASP, web sockets, WCF RIA services, Entity Framework, URLRewrite2, GZip etc. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Reliability” style=”fancy”] uses top quality backup service and internet connection which ensure 99.9% uptime and the whole system is 24×7 hours monitored by technicians. It automatically backups all the servers daily as well as checks for virus, trojan and malware every week. In addition uses cisco firewall to ensure safety from DDOS attack. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”24×7 support” style=”fancy”] consists of skilled and experienced Microsoft technology specialist based on our truly experience talking with their staff. They have comprehensive knowledge and understanding on Microsoft solutions such as MS SQL Server, .NET Framework and IIS management. Meanwhile, you can imagine that is really a technology oriented ASP.NET web hosting company. 24×7 support time that you can contact anytime. Their customer support will always ready to help you within 30 minutes. You may also read their knowledgebase and their blog. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Robust Hardware” style=”fancy”] All the servers of this company is manufactured by Dell for better and continuous service. It’s 32GB+ RAM, Duel core processors, RAID 5 SSD and BGP connections indicates the strong physical status of[/su_spoiler]

Plans and Pricing

They have 4 windows basic shared hosting plan that you can choose. They have good pricing and features. For more information, please read it below:

Personal Plan

Perfect hosting for personal or small start-ups which starts at only INR 70/month. This packages provides1 GB storage, 10 GB traffic, 1 parked domain, email accounts with 50 MB email space. All kind of .NET technology is supported in this starting hosting package.

Developer Plan

This package is able to hold up to unlimited websites which is enough for medium enterprises or big personal start-ups. Get 3 GB storage and 30 GB data transfer privileges at only INR 200/month. This package has included MSSQL and MySQL database, unlimited email accounts.

Business Plan

Perfect choice for business website that requires high traffic. This package is able to host unlimited websites with 10 GB storage and 50 GB data transfer. This plan start from only INR 400/month.

Expert Plan

Biggest package of comes with unlimited websites, 50 GB storage capacity and 100 GB data transfer for providing the best support to any big business. A free domain, extra security suite, free SSL certificate and a dedicated IP come along with this package which starts at INR 660/month.


Top Performance ASP.NET Hosting with guarantees 99.9% uptime for their professional ASP.NET hosting and actually implements the guarantee in practice. We have set up a website uptime monitor for all our ASP.NET sites hosted with UKWindowsHostASP.NET since Jan 2015, and haven’t found any downtime longer than 10 minutes. In a whole year, the uptime of our sites is closed to 99.91%.

The strong reliability of ASP.NET hosting comes from their 1) rock-solid Microsoft technology, 2) daily security update and hardware firewall.

1. They optimized the Windows and IIS in the best configuration for the shared web hosting. E.G. They provide isolated application pool for every hosting site by leveraging the power of the latest Windows 2012 R2 and IIS 8.5. In this case, every site is running in the different process that won’t be affected by the crash of the neighbor sites.

2. They update the servers for the latest Windows security patch timely and utilizes the Cisco hardware firewall for the increased ASP.NET hosting security.

Conclusion – We Recommend for ASP.NET Hosting in India

Based on our point-to-point review above, it is clear that the ASP.NET hosting services from are affordable, rich-featured, reliable and fast. Furthermore, customers can concentrate on their business without distraction due to the professional technical support. Therefore, this company deserves to be awarded as the best ASP.NET hosting provider in India.

For more information, please visit their official website at
