5 Reasons to Use Cloud Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Cloud hosting has been on the rise since its inception. The improvement to your website performance and business efficiency that comes with Cloud hosting is almost tangible.

Cloud hosting provides hosting through a network of virtual servers that are interconnected and scattered throughout the world. This makes it possible for users to access their website from any location without any trouble.

In this article, we will advise why you must shift your site to use cloud hosting.

Let’s begin!

#1. Scability/Flexibility

As a business owner you are always looking to grow your business but often that growth in unpredictable. Your marketing campaign might prove to be more successful than you predicted it to be and that doubled or even tripled the traffic on your website. In these circumstances, there is always a chance of your website crashing leaving your potential customers locked out.

Cloud hosting provides scalability that makes sure that your web server is scaled to handle the sudden spike in traffic. Also, the web server down scales so that you are not over paying for the server capacity you are not using.

#2. Reliability

A server downtime can lead to many problems. Internally you may see a wastage of man hours as the entire workflow would come to a halt. Your employees might sit idle in your office or go home leaving unfinished work. Externally, you might lose a lot of customers as they wont be able to access your website.

Cloud hosting’s biggest selling point is its amazing uptime. Reliability is the very fabric of Cloud hosting’s business model. Incase of downtimes or outages, cloud hosting providers have backups that take control in a matter of seconds. Your customers won’t even realize there was a down time.

#3. Security

As a business owner, the last thing you want is your data getting in the wrong hands. A lot of internal data might be stored in your files that are too sensitive and confidential to be accessed by outsiders. If you own an online store, you require personal information everytime a customers makes a purchase. Things might go south if such data is leaked. You will lose your customers’ trust and spoil your brand image in the industry.

Security is something all cloud hosting providers are proud of. Whether you run a blog, a business website or an online store, you will get rock solid security on your cloud web server. Hosting providers like Cloudways offer tightly controlled firewalls on application level to make sure all attacks and data leaks are blocked.

#4. Data Backups

Starting and managing a business is tough. Your days are filled with meetings, replying to emails, phone calls and looking after your employees. In this packed schedule, you might not the time to look after your website and maybe create timely backups.

Cloud hosting offers automated backups that creates backups after certain intervals as per user configurations. This relieves you from the hassle of taking out time from your busy schedule and creating backups yourself. Also, some cloud hosting providers offer one click restoration of your backup. So in case of a disaster and a data loss, it will take you no more than a minute to restore your entire data on just one click.

#5. More Efficient

Reducing cost to increase profits is a proven profit maximising strategy. Rather than cutting costs on your product and lowering its quality, why not reduce cost on something like web hosting?

As mentioned earlier in the article, the auto scaling feature down scales your web server when the usage is low. This lets you pay for only the capacity you are using and not the entire server resulting in lower cost.

Cloud also saves you the the cost of purchasing and maintaining an infrastructure. The virtual servers are installed and maintained by highly professional and technical staff saving you the time and cost of hiring a developer.

Recommended Windows Cloud Hosting Provider

#1. ASPHostPortal

Since 2008, ASPHostPortal has been growing into one of the best cheap Windows Cloud hosting provider that offer affordable Windows Cloud hosting provider. They offer top quality and affordable Windows Cloud Hosting solution.



HostForLIFEASP.NET is a Windows Cloud hosting provider only engaged in Windows-based hosting solutions. It owns a big advantage that is short distance between its offices and the datacenter. HostForLIFEASP.NET has many data centers in Europe. This is big advantages for customers in Europe. Customer can choose their Paris, London, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and also their newest Italy datacenters if you register their Windows Cloud hosting plan.

#3. UKWindowsHostASP.NET 

This company utilizes 5 datacenters. You can choose their London, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, and also their Amsterdam data center while registering their Windows Cloud hosting services. They have redundant resources to support UKWindowsHostASP.NET servers. Note that UKWindowsHostASP.NET purchases servers only from Dell.