ASP.NET Hosting Comparison - ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

With tons of companies in the ASP.NET hosting industry, it is very difficult to choose the best one. Both ASPHostPortal and Arvixe are well known names. ASPHostPortal famous due to its ASP.NET hosting services while Arvixe made its name mainly because they do various web hosting services, include Windows hosting and also Linux hosting.

Both aims to provide the hosting at low rates. Both have plenty of happy customers. So for solving this mystery who is best, we do ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe side-by-side comparison. We are hopeful that this comparison will greatly help you to select which one is better for you.

Side by Side Comparison – ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe


Uptime is a period during which your site is online over the internet and people can access your site or purchase your products. So, it means excessive downtime will affect your business and reputation. Arvixe is not offering any uptime guarantee while ASPHostPortal offers 99.9% guarantee.

But just offering Guarantee is not enough, look at the below statistics.

During the testing period, we found that in most of the month ASPHostPortal servers Uptime was 99.99 % and even 100% in some months. While Arvixe is not focusing on its servers uptime and that’s why we face the minimum of 99.85% and maximum 99.99%. Also, they manage to deliver the 100% two months in a row.

ASPHostPortal Uptime Report

Arvixe Uptime Report

Arvixe Uptime

In personal experience, we found ASPHostPortal better than Arvixe in term of server stability.

Speed/Loading Time

Website loading time is the amount of time to fully load a page. If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load then, users will get frustrated and ultimately leave your site. Also, slow websites are the cause of low ranking in search engines. But as per our tests, using Pingdom and GTMetrix tool, ASPHostPortal perform better than the Arvixe.

ASPHostPortal’s hosted website average load time is below than 256ms while Arvixe takes almost 580 ms to load a page. Here note that we host ASP.NET site on both of them and it is only simple ASP.NET site. Solely we did not experience the high page load time with Arvixe, there is also tons of customer complaining about their uptime and low-speed servers at BBB.

Another way to reduce the page load time is CloudFlare, which made the cache of static contents of your site so that to deliver quickly next time. ASPHostPortal includes built-in CloudFlare option in their panel and you just have to hit a few clicks to activate it, but Arvixe doesn’t include such a useful option, this means if you want to enable it then do it manually.

ASP.NET Hosting Comparison – ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe

In this ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe comparison, uptime, prices and customers support features are one of the must have features, but these are not enough. We have to compare all the prominent features which are the basic requirements of every blog and website.


Arvixe only have 2 hosting plan that customers can choose while ASPHostPortal offers 4 basic shared hosting plan. All of Arvixe ASP.NET shared hosting features comes with unlimited bandwith. But this unlimited doesn’t mean that you can use the bandwith that you can use all the bandwith on the server. For more information, you may read their TOS about the fair usage that you can use. In other hand, ASPHostPortal Host One plan comes with 60 GB bandwith, this is clearly shown on that page. This traffic is enough to handle simple website/new site.

Web Space

It is the storage where you can store your files, images, videos and other contents. Arvixe offers unlimited storage on each plans, but once again you may read about their TOS. We never upload video on their hosting plan, but we believe if we upload huge video file, it will be prohibited as it against their TOS. ASPHostPortal offers 5GB (it is more than enough, generally websites don’t take as much).

Website, Domains and Subdomains

Arvixe on their basic plan allow customers to host 10 domains while ASPHostPortal can host unlimited domains on their Host One plan. Moreover, both companies offer you one free domain name at the time when you are going to sign up for a hosting plan.

ASP.NET version

We have checked that both ASPHostPortal and Arvixe have supported the latest ASP.NET version on their shared hosting environment. It means that you can host ASP.NET 1.0/2.0/3.5/4/4.5 and latest ASP.NET Core on their hosting environment.

SQL version

ASPHostPortal and Arvixe always update their latest technologies. Both has support SQL 2016 version on their hosting environment. ASPHostPortal on their Host One plan allow customer to use 200 MB SQL space and Arvixe offers unlimited SQL space. We only upload a few tables on Arvixe but sometimes it load very slow, maybe it because there are other users that utilize high SQL usage on their server. On other hand, ASPHostPortal SQL server works very stable and we never face any issues.


Backup is just like the life-saving of your site. When you messed up with your site because any kind of changes then what you do or maybe you accidentally delete your folders/files? Here is the short, easy and secure way to restore the files that you backed up.

ASPHostPortal includes free backup facility, which automatically does the daily backup on their separate tape drive. We notice that Arvixe don’t have great backup features, as in the past few months there are many customers that complaint about their loss/damage files.

Refund Policy

It is the time period during which you can make a request to return back your funds. It happens when you did not satisfy with the company services and want your money back.

ASPHostPortal offers 30 days money back guarantee. On the other hand, Arvixe offers 60 days to ask for the refund. And if you purchased a monthly plan(less than a year) then will have only 48 hours for requesting the refund.

ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe ASP.NET Hosting Comparison

As explained above, ASPHostPortal has four shared basic ASP.NET hosting plans; Host Intro, Host One, Host Two, and Host Three. The “Host Intro” plan seems bit limited as you can host only one website but this plan is a very good option for small/starter websites. You can host unlimited domains if you purchase Host One plan or above.

Arvixe only offers two ASP.NET hosting plans namely Business Plan and Business Class Pro. The different between that plan is only the domains that you can host. On their Business plan, you can host 10 domains while on their Business Class Pro allow you to host unlimited domains.

Money Value/Pricing

Do these both companies value your spending and offer enough?

Arvixe plan is not the same anymore. For us, their pricing is not competitive anymore, their basic plan comes with $30.00/month and this is really really expensive. With this price, you can purchase small VPS.

ASPHostPortal still offers great value for ASP.NET hosting. Their Host Intro plan comes with $1.00/month, yes we must admit that you can only host 1 website, but if you are beginner and want to test to host ASP.NET site online, then no hard feelings, you can sign up with them. Their Host One plan comes with around $5.00/month and if you purchase from our site, you can get additional 15% OFF for all of their shared hosting packages. So, the price will become $3.81/month if you purchase from our site

User Friendly Control Panel

Once you have completed the signing up process, you get a control panel for site management. Through Plesk, users can control over the CMS’s installation, establishing domains, creating databases, Mails management and many other features.

Currently, both are providing a user friendly Plesk which is common in the industry. But ASPHostPortal made few changes and polish the panel like new icon and color schemes etc.

So if you are not sure to decide in ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe on the basis of visibility, usability and reliability of panel; then don’t worry both are almost same.

Arvixe vs ASPHostPortal Customer Support

No matter if you are an expert, you can’t say that you can handle all the issues. Technology changes day by day and new real-time issues arise by anytime. So, you will need an expert and knowledgeable support team to cope with serious issues.

ASPHostPortal provides instant help which you can ask for help anytime 24/7/365. As per our experience, their support team is quite fast, polite and respond within few minutes. On the other hand, Arvixe didn’t offer 24/7 live chat option. Also, Arvixe has tons of complaints when it comes to technical support

Sometimes due to some problem company is not able to render help at the spot but you want the solution right now. Knowledgebase is a place where the company gathered data on all of the topics and FAQ’s.

Both of the providers maintained tons of guidelines. So at that time instead of waiting, visit the company help center, which is maintained on their official site. There you can search the issues and solutions. Moreover, both of them also offer community forum where you can post your issues.

Final Conclusion – Think it Wisely!

Based on the above ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe voting, ASPHostPortal got more vote than Arvixe. As per our experience, we recommend ASPHostPortal because they offer good uptime and support services, which are the basic requirement of any business site or blog.

Moreover, they are at top in official Microsoft list. So in a ASPHostPortal vs Arvixe battle, we surely recommend ASPHostPortal for small to a medium ASP.NET website and especially for those who just want to start.