Looking for the best ASP.NET Core hosting provider? Are you trying to decide between ASPHostPortal and ASPHostPortal? Both ASPHostPortal and TMDHosting allow you to host your ASP.NET Core website with ease. But one has to be better than the other, right?
In this article, we’ll provide a head-to-head comparison between ASPHostPortal Hosting and TMDHosting so you can decide which one’s the right solution for your budget and needs.
ASPHostPortal vs TMDHosting – Overview
ASPHostPortal is an officially recommended hosting provider by Microsoft. It was founded in 2008, and currently hosts over a million websites from all around the globe.
With every ASP.NET Core hosting plan, ASPHostPortal provides a free domain name and a free SSL certificate. They also offer a 30-day money back guarantee to try out their service, risk-free.

TMDHosting is a leading developer-friendly Windows ASP.NET Core hosting company that provides all the features you need to get your site up and running. They also allow you to choose your preferred data center when signing up for their hosting services.
Best of all, TMDHosting provides an anytime pro-rated money back guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied.
ASPHostPotal vs TMDHosting – Page Speed and Uptime
Speed and uptime are the most important factors you’ll need to consider when choosing a web host. Almost every hosting provider guarantees super fast website speeds and high website availability. To test whether ASPHostPortal and TMDHosting actually live up to their hype, we decided to analyze their page speeds and uptime guarantees by signing up with each of them and creating 2 test sites.
We have hosted simple ASP.NET site to their servers, uploaded some images, create database to test the connection speed.
Then, we conducted a few different speed tests with the following tools: :
- Pingdom
- Load Impact
- Bitcatcha

According to our Pingdom test, our ASPHostPortal test site took 285ms when tested from Dallas city, which is faster than 99% of tested sites.

However, our TMDHosting site took 1.28 seconds to load, meaning the site was only faster than 84% of all tested sites.
It’s also important to analyze if hosting servers can survive a traffic surge. For our traffic surge test, we used a tool called Load Impact. We sent some virtual users to our sites and gradually built up to 100 visitors at a time to see how the servers performed.

According to our Load Impact test, the number of live visitors didn’t have any negative impact on ASPHostPortal.

On the other hand, our TMDHosting test site performed consistently until there were around 40 visitors on the site. The website slowed down for a while and then reverted to its normal state.
After our Load Impact test, we conducted a test with Bitcatcha to monitor the server response times from 8 different geographical locations: New York, LA, London, Brazil, India, Singapore, Japan, and Australia. The speed for each location was measured 3 separate times, and then the results were averaged.

Above is ASPHostPortal bitcatcha test result and we can see the performance is A+ which is incredible good. Now, let’s take a look at TMDHosting results:

According to Bitcatcha result above, we can see that the TMDHosting performance is not good enough, the result is only C and it means that TMDHosting is quite slow.
ASPHostPortal vs TMDHosting – ASP.NET Core Hosting Features
We have discussed about their performance above. Now, how about their ASP.NET hosting features? Which providers have great ASP.NET hosting features? We have learned their hosting packages side by side and we found that they almost have same rich features. Below is complete explanation.
Control Panel
Both ASPHostPortal and TMDHosting use Plesk control panel as their UI. Plesk is very favourite and most ASP.NET Core hosting providers use this control panel. Customers can easily manage their site, database, email, etc through Plesk. In addition, customers can install more than 50 famous CMS with 1 single click. Plesk also keep evolve and always follow the latest Microsoft technologies. It also comes with great security and usability.

Windows Hosting Technologies and Features
Both ASPHostPortal and TMDHosting also offer the latest Microsoft technologies, such as the latest ASP.NET, MSSQL, MySQL, ASP.NET MVC, Classic ASP, Silverlight, etc. ASPHostPortal and TMDHosting have their own strength. For example, on their lowest package, TMDHosting offer unlimited space, and also unlimited bandwith while ASPHostPortal is only offer 5 GB disk space and 60 GB traffic on their Host One plan. But, you need to know about this TMDHosting unlimited features. If we read their terms and conditions, all of their unlimited web space honestly are configured with 50 GB available web space.
To show the differences more clearly, we have compared Host One plans from ASPHostPortal with TMDHosting Starter plan. Read the detailed information in below.
By comparison, ASPHostPortal stays further ahead of the curve in terms of features. Let’s take a look at a few areas in which excels in comparison to Bluehost:
- Isolated Application Pool: With ASPHostPortal, each of your sites will be assigned application pool. With dedicated application pool, your ASP.NET Core site will run more stable.
- Crystal Report and SSRS support: Unlike TMDHosting, ASPHostPortal hosting support for Crystal Report and SSRS. If you need this features, then this is good advantages to choose their hosting services.
- Free site transfer: With every web hosting plan, ASPHostPortal Hosting provides free site migration.
ASPHostPortal vs TMDHosting – ASP.NET Core Hosting Pricing

ASPHostPortal has four shared basic ASP.NET Core hosting plans; Host Intro, Host One, Host Two, and Host Three. Host Intro the lowest packages comes with $0.99/month and this plan is suitable for small/starter sites. The second plan is Host One plan and this plan has comes with MSSQL and MySQL database. And you can also host unlimited websites in this plan. We really recommend you to start from this plan to host your ASP.NET Core site.

In other hand, TMDHosting only have 3 shared ASP.NET Core hosting plan that you can choose. It starts from Starter, Business, and Professional plan. Starter plan start from $3.99/month, Business plan from $5.99/month, Professional from $11.99/month.
With price comparison above, we can make conclusion that ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Core hosting pricing more affordable than TMDHosting.
ASPHostPortal vs TMDHosting – Customers Support
No matter if you are an expert, you can’t say that you can handle all the issues. Technology changes day by day and new real-time issues arise by anytime. So, you will need an expert and knowledgeable support team to cope with serious issues.
ASPHostPortal provides instant help which you can ask for help anytime 24/7/365. As per our experience, their support team is quite fast, polite and respond within few minutes. Based on our experience, TMDHosting is also good in support response time. We can make sure for customer support, you can rely on both providers.
Both of the providers maintained tons of guidelines. So at that time instead of waiting, visit the company help center, which is maintained on their official site. There you can search the issues and solutions. Moreover, both of them also offer community forum where you can post your issues.
Recap – ASPHostPortal vs TMDHosting
We believe that ASPHostPortal is a better hosting provider overall than TMDHosting. Not only does ASPHostPortal provide everything you need to get your site up and running, but they also make the entire onboarding process super easy.
Even if you’re completely new to web hosting, you can quickly launch a site within minutes without having to refer to their documentation.
When starting out, you may feel like building a website is quite expensive. However, with ASPHostPortal’s low introductory pricing, you can start a site for as low as $1.00/month.