Does WordPress Really Well Optimized with Google? – Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

I’ve tried many CMS for blogging, but the CMS that very user friendly for me is using WordPress. I believe that WordPress is the most popular CMS for blogging. A millions users use this CMS. But how to make perfect and rich SEO score for your site? This is something that I always find for many years.

WordPress makes it tempting to take on things you shouldn’t or overlook/ignore important elements of SEO that can cause problems with business growth, success, and profitability. We know that blogs, company websites, and online store run on WordPress. I believe that users love its simplicity and easy to use.

In this article, I just want to share my personal experience using WordPress and tips to guide you for WordPress SEO. Here are few questions that people always ask about WordPress. If you find the advantages in this article, please kindly re-share it.

WordPress Well Optimized for Google?

This is something that users always think that Google will find our site easily if we use WordPress CMS. That’s totally wrong. Although the WordPress is search engine friendly, we need to make an effort for best result for our site. Believe me that you just cant hope that by switching to WordPress, it will make your site rated higher on google.

I just want to say that WordPress is search engine friendly, but if you don’t make an effort, don’t ever hope that you will be on the first google page. What WordPress offer for you is you can build your site easily, don’t waste many time to customize your site, and of course it will minimize your cost. You don’t need to be an expert to build WordPress site.

I Have Installed Many Plugin. Does it Works?

Yes… I admit that install Plugin makes your life easier. But, please bear in mind that you need to find the suitable plugin for your site. SEO is a continuous process, you cant get it instantly. You always need to learn and learn, have great determination to your site.


I also recommend that you hire specialist working for you who understand organic search. This person should be engaged in a long-term relationship with you — either as a member of your staff or a consultant/agency on a monthly retainer – to ensure that you perform at your best.

Here are several reasons that Plugin won’t always help you in SEO

– When we installed new plugin for our WordPress site, it will alter your website’s code. It means that it will impact to your google rank.
– Add new plugin can make your site slow. As we may know that site loading speed is the most important in SEO. Google always love site that has fast loading speed.

How to Choose Best WordPress SEO Plugin for My Site?

This is very important thing while select your plugin. Keep in mind that you may also need additional plugins for tasks tangential to SEO, such as one that allows you to implement your analytics tracking code across the website.

Here are important factors you need to notice while selecting your plugins:

Compability – You need to make sure that this plugin is compatible with your site. You need to do research.
Popularity – I would recommend you to find the popular plugin. More users that download that plugin, you will see experienced users that use this plugin. It also help you to troubleshoots problems.
Reviews – Please make sure check out the plugin reviews first before install it. Check out support forums and feedback from long-term users to make your assessment

When you post the same content in several categories such that that it appears on more than one URL, you have duplicate content. This means you either must avoid doing it, or inform Google which version of the page is the original which is to be indexed. You can do this using meta directives and rel=canonical.


What is the Best WordPress Hosting Solution and How to Choose It?

There are many factors to choose best wordpress hosting solution for your site. Here are several tips for you to notice while selecting WordPress hosting provider:

[su_spoiler title=”Support For Plugins” style=”fancy”] Some hosting providers won’t permit certain plugins. Check if that will affect you in any way. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Backup & Restore” style=”fancy”] A few providers offer “one click” solutions to restore your site from backups if anything goes wrong. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Staging Environment” style=”fancy”] Having a way to build, test and experiment with your site out of the public eye, and then easily publish it later, can be helpful.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Reputation” style=”fancy”] Some providers look great on the outside, may even be strong brands, but offer low-quality hosting solutions. Do your research carefully to avoid trouble down the line.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Beware Of Affiliates” style=”fancy”] WordPress hosting services which offer partners a commission for referring new clients can be harder to evaluate because reviews are biased and often not factual. Be careful while judging on the basis of such lopsided reviews. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Expertise” style=”fancy”] A hosting provider may actually be a WordPress specialist — or just an expert at selling! Check this out before you make a decision. A silly thing like slow web servers or a careless security system can hurt your business website badly.[/su_spoiler]

If you just start your WordPress site, I would recommend you to use shared hosting. You can go with or you can find other WordPress hosting recommendation here.

Can I Improve My SEO with WordPress Widgets?


WordPress widgets make it easy to publish identical blocks of content across multiple pages, such as sidebars and footers. That may not be dangerous or harmful for SEO, though it rarely offers any advantage.

A smarter way to use WordPress widgets is to offer tailored content focused on what the visitor finds on that page. This adds value, is user-friendly, and enhances the browsing experience. You can use widgets to

– Add a social layer that promotes engagement with a community application plugin like BuddyPress.
– Add a media plugin so that users may upload images and videos.
– Feature new forum members and their posts or photos.
– Make new content inside forums and groups easier to discover.

A strategy like this would work equally well for any site, such as one about dog training, or travel or automobiles. WordPress widgets let you target sub-niche audiences within your niche, engaging them in content they have expressed interest in. They act like vitamin injections for your business!

– You’ll improve visitor loyalty, and make it easier for search engines to understand what the page is about.
– Because you’ll delight visitors, there’s a higher chance of getting more inbound links or Facebook ‘likes’ or Google +1s.
– Plus, it makes new content inside forums and groups easier to discover, both on search engines and by visitors to your site’s home page.

The key SEO lesson here isn’t to add many new things or a broader range of content, functions or offerings, but instead to narrow down on to the subject or topic being discussed on that URL. Less is more. Remove clutter that isn’t moving you closer to your business goals.

Adding Post or Adding Pages? Which One is Good for SEO?

With wordpress, you can create post by add new page or add new post. But, how will it affect SEO?

When you post the same content in several categories such that that it appears on more than one URL, you have duplicate content. This means you either must avoid doing it, or inform Google which version of the page is the original which is to be indexed. You can do this using meta directives and rel=canonical.

So, please just make sure that you don’t make duplicate content. If your content live on one URL only, then you don’t need to worry. Google won’t penalize your site.


I hope you enjoyed these practical WordPress SEO tips and my experience using WordPress. If you find benefit in this article, please kindly share it. If you have other great tips, please kindly share it too.


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