Find Cheap Crystal Report 2013 Hosting Recommendation Here! - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

SAP Crystal Reports 2013 (Crystal Reports) helps you design, explore, visualize, and deliver reports via the web or embedded in enterprise applications. Crystal Reports is designed to use virtually any data source to help you produce the report that you want, whether you want to create a simple report or to use Crystal Reports’ comprehensive tools to produce complex or specialized reports.

Features Crystal Report 2013

SAP® Crystal Reports® software is the de facto standard in reporting. With SAP Crystal Reports 2013, you can create powerful, richly formatted, dynamic reports from virtually any data source, delivered in dozens of formats, in up to 24 languages. A robust production reporting tool, SAP Crystal Reports turns almost any data source into interactive, actionable information that can be accessed offline or online, from applications, portals and mobile devices.

[su_spoiler title=”Flexible, customizable report design” style=”fancy”] Create highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports quickly with SAP Crystal Reports’ intuitive design interface and efficient workflows. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Broad data connectivity” style=”fancy”] Connect to information sources spread across the organization directly. Data sources include: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Powerful report delivery options” style=”fancy”] Deliver personalized reports to your business users’ preferred destination in their preferred language and format. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Expanded support for Excel” style=”fancy”] XLSX export takes full advantage of the updated Excel file format by allowing more data to be exported to a single worksheet, without spanning multiple worksheets. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Mobile Interactivity” style=”fancy”] Interactive reports are now available through your mobile devices.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”SAP Crystal Dashboard Design software, Adobe Flex, Adobe Flash and HTML 5 integration” style=”fancy”] Enable SAP Crystal Reports developers to produce powerful “mash-ups” pulling data from various sources.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Windows 7 compatible” style=”fancy”] SAP Crystal Reports software 2013 is certified compatible with Microsoft Windows 7.[/su_spoiler]

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Crystal Report Hosting System Requirement

Your hosting provider must support at least

– Dual Core Processor
– Minimum 2 GB RAM processor. ASPHostPortal is using at least 8 GB RAM processor
– Windows Server 2008/2008 R2/2012

Crystal Report 2013 Hosting Recommendation – UPDATED 2019

If you’ve done a bit more search the internet, you can find there’re only a few web hosting companies who can support crystal reports and choosing an affordable and quality crystal report hosting is a very difficult job. We’ve reviewed many crystal report web hosting providers personally and here we’d like to recommend one of the best web hosting who can full support crystal reports for you to check further ASPHostPortal web solutions.

Cheap Crystal Report Hosting with ASPHostPortal

To get Crystal Report hosting running on your account, you need to start from their Host One plan (this is rule from them). This package comes with:

  • 5 GB Disk Space
  • 60 GB Bandwith
  • Unlimited Websites Hosted
  • Latest version of Plesk Control Panel – Unlimited email, databases and subdomains.
  • Monitor business performance through real-time business.
  • Using SAP Crystal Reports software
  • You can share reports and dashboards via Web, e-mail, a secure server.
  • 24/7 World-class qualified and experienced Crystal Reports hosting team support.
  • 99.9% uptime and 30 day money back guarantee.

Pros Using ASPHostPortal Crystal Report Hosting

1. Turbo Site Speed

If you are running website and browsing one website, website speed always matter. Google also has confirmed that Page loading time is one of the ranking factor and as per Google’s recommendation, it should be under 3 Seconds.

ASPHostPortal Hosting server technology claims that they have 10x faster page loading time. To prove it, we have tested their server speed and you can see this result below!

As you can see, we have tested them from several country and the result is A+. If you host your Crystal Report site with them, we believe that you won’t face issue with speed.

We have also tested using LoadImpact test on their server and below are the result:

In the above graph, the Blue line represents VUs (Virtual users) and Green line represents page load time.

We flooded our website with 1 to 100 real-time visitors for 5 minutes. For most of the time page load time is nearly the same at around 1.2 seconds (expect 1-2 spikes).

That’s a quite good result and it is below Google recommended 3 seconds. Crazy score, right?

2. You are KING!

A great customer support differentiate quality web host from rest of the croud.

There are numerous hosting provider out there whose customer support sucks. Even some big hosting companies have bad reputation on customer support department.

But that’s not case with ASPHostPortal Hosting. It doesn’t matter you are a tech geek or a novice, ASPHostPortal hosting customer support is always available to solve your problems.

Currently ASPHostPortal Hosting have ‘Ticket Support’ system. You need to generate the ticket for your queries and their support will respond to your ticket shortly.

We have personally have generated 2 support ticket. Believe it or not, they responded our inquiry within 10-20 minutes.

If you still don’t believe, just try on yourself!

3. High Uptime Guarantee

ASPHostPortal Hosting claims to provide 99.9% uptime. Instead of fast server speed, you can also experience 99.99% uptime guarantee. Here is several data about their uptime guarantee. See the result below:

See result above? What are you worrying about? Your Crystal Report will always ready to use!

4. FREE SSL Certificate

Yes, ASPHostPortal does support FREE SSL Certificate powered by Let’s Encrypt. You can easily secure your Crystal Report site. You have saved a lot when host your site with them.

5. Money Back Guarantee

Still don’t believe with them?! Just cancel it anytime. They provide money back guarantee if your Crystal Report is not working on their server. Don’t worry, be happy!

6. Aware Your Site Being Hacked?

No…… With ASPHostPortal hosting, they have free hack scan protection, Brute Force Defence, and Dual Firewall to keep your site safe from hackers.

Cons Using ASPHostPortal Crystal Report Hosting

No doubt ASPHostPortal hosting is one of the ASP.NET Hosting that support Crystal Report but there is one thing that we don’t like about them, what is that?

1. Crystal Report is an Addon

Yes…. Yes…. If you see on their site, it shows on their site that they support Crystal Report hosting, but to get Crystal Report working on your hosting, you need to purchase this addon. We thought it is free… But don’t worry, the Crystal Report addon price is quite cheap, it is around $3.00/month only.

Final Thoughts on ASPHostPortal Crystal Report Hosting Review

After using ASPHostPortal hosting overall experience is good . There were some glitches but ASPHostPortal Hosting Customer Support done a great job.

If you are searching for a Crystal Report Host with High Performance, Tighten Security, great Server Uptime, and Faster Site speed you can go with ASPHostPortal Hosting.