Windows Hosting or Linux Hosting? Who is the Best? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Maybe some of you doubt which web hosting you need to choose, Windows or Linux hosting? Why choose Windows hosting? And why choose Linux hosting? Both of them are great operating system. Most of hosting providers in this world offer Linux hosting. Windows hosting is really niche market.

linux or windows

We have been asked so many questions from hundred of customers and we have found this questions on forums. In the following article, we will help you to choose whether to go with Windows or Linux hosting.

Linux Overview


Linux is a Unix-like and POSIX-compliant operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Initially, Linux was developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computer. Consequently, it has been ported to more computer hardware than any other operating system.

As a leading system, Linux is run by more than 95% of the 500 fastest supercomputers worldwide. It has gained tremendous popularity for the following advantages.

Advantages Using Linux Hosting

1) Cheap Price

Linux is free of charge or at a low cost. Coming along with Linux are fully fledged server and desktop applications, including FTP, DNS server, file Server and web server.

2) Scability

A Linux-based web server meets the requirements of scalability with which users don’t have to make any site design change.

Windows Overviewwindows_image

Windows is operating system developed and marketed by Microsoft. It has dominated the market of personal computer around the world, taking over 90% market share.

With Windows as the operating system, users are capable of realizing true integration with Microsoft products and SQL database. Among countless advantages, the most highlighted feature of Windows is its capability to run classic ASP or .NET script which offers powerful language support.

Advantages Using Windows Hosting

1) Support ASP.NET Programming

Windows support ASP.NET and PHP while Linux only has best support in PHP. With Windows, you can run ASP, ASP.NET, SQL server database, and access database

2) Easy to Use

If you are familiar with the Windows operating system, having a Windows based server will make the learning process much easier. You won’t have to worry about learning a new language just to maintain your website. For beginners, this is a definite plus.

3) Access Compatibility

If your website needs to collect its data from an Access database, a Windows server will be able to integrate this database seamlessly. While there are many database options, such as MySQL, many people prefer to use Access. A Windows server will be able to make integration much easier.

How to Choose Best Windows and Linux Hosting

The specific criteria for selecting a suitable bear no relationship to your current system. Both Windows and Linux have done a great job in performance, stability, ease of use and security. The choice rests with your requirements of your website hosting. To be specific, you should ponder the following questions.

1. Does Your Site Require ASP.NET and MSSQL Server?

If the answer is yes, then it is greatly convenient and advisable to choose Windows web hosting packages. As I have explained above that Windows hosting is fully compatible with ASP.NET, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server. And you can also run PHP on Windows Server environmen

2. Does your website only use PHP language?

If yes, then you can use Linux hosting.


Generally speaking, both Linux and Window has made their own contribution in their unique way. The key point is not which one is superior. It is advisable to pick one of them according to your specific demands of website.

If you need Windows specific technologies as PHP, Perl or MySQL database, then choose Windows web hosting services. Otherwise, you had better choose the cheaper and more popular Linux as platform.

Based on our hosting experience, for best windows ASP.NET hosting provider, we would recommend you to choose Please read why we choose as your ASP.NET Hosting provider.


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