Microsoft has Officially Launched ASP.NET Core RC 2. What's the Difference? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Wow… Microsoft has just released new version of ASP.NET Core again, it is called ASP.NET Core RC2. This release succeeds the ASP.NET 5 RC1 release and features a number of updates to enhance compatibility with other .NET frameworks and an improved runtime.  You can install the RC2 from

For your information, we have tested to deploy this ASP.NET Core RC 2 on our hosting environment, it works flawless, it is more perfect than previous version, RC 1. We don’t need to change our application pool anymore, just install this version on the server, and point to our root folder.

More about ASP.NET Core RC2

The release contains the RC2 of the .NET Core runtime and libraries.  These libraries are everything that ends up in your ‘bin’ folder when you deploy an application. This change allows those developers who are comfortable with using the runtime to move forward with their projects while the ASP.NET Core tools are completed.

.NET CLI Features

A key change that occurred between RC1 and RC2 is the introduction of the .NET command-line interface.  This tool replaces the dnvm, dnx, and dnu utilities with a single tool that handles the responsibilities of these tools.  Get started by executing the command `dotnet` at a command-prompt:


ASP.NET Core is a console app

In RC1 an ASP.NET application was a class library that contained a Startup.cs class. When the DNX toolchain run your application ASP.NET hosting libraries would find and execute the Startup.cs, booting your web application. Whilst the spirit of this way of running an ASP.NET Core application still exists in RC2, it is somewhat different.

As of RC2 an ASP.NET Core application is a .NET Core Console application that calls into ASP.NET specific libraries. What this means for ASP.NET Core apps is that the code that used to live in the ASP.NET Hosting libraries and automatically run your startup.cs now lives inside a Program.cs. This alignment means that a single .NET toolchain can be used for both .NET Core Console applications and ASP.NET Core applications. It also means that customers have more obvious control over the code that hosts and runs their ASP.NET Core app:


In this code snippet, from the Main method of an ASP.NET Core RC2 app, is responsible for configuring and running the app. If, for example, you want your application to listen on a particular port or IP address then you can use the WebHostBuilder to do it.

This migration from a class library that is designed to be run on the DNX to a console application with a Program.cs and a Main method that can be run by a new .NET toolchain is one of the most significant changes that RC2 brings to ASP.NET Core.

You can find more details about ASP.NET Core 2 on MSDN site.

Best Recommendation for ASP.NET Core RC2 Hosting

We have tried so many ASP.NET hosting providers, but we believe that the providers below will suits your requirement. We have tested their server performance. Instead they have good servers, they also have great pricing, features, and also technical support that specialize in ASP.NET.

We know it will be very difficult to find hosting provider that support this newest ASP.NET Core 2 version. So, in this review, we hope you can find suitable provider for your own requirement.

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET RC 2 Hosting Reviews

Based in both New York, ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting has been around for more than a decade. First, they only have data centers in US. In 2012, their business growing so fast and they open many data centers across the world. As their customers, you can choose their Amstedam, Frankfurt, Paris, London, Singapore, India, Australia, and newest Milan data center.

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting offers a wide range of web hosting services (shared/cloud/reseller/dedicated) in dozen of different packages. The company is best known with its superior customer service (the company is BBB Accredited since 21/5/2010 and scores A+ with BBB Busines Review at time of writing) and is rated as one of the top hosting providers by many well-known hosting review sites. As such, experienced webmasters/bloggers normally regard ASPHostPortal ASP.NET hosting as the web host for businesses and corporate users – you know, people who do not mind paying a little extra for better reliability and after-sales supports.

Why ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting?

They have Great ASP.NET Hosting Pricing

As new customer, you can always try their newest ASP.NET Core RC 2 with just only $1.00/month. You can register their lowest plan named Host Intro. That’s amazing, right? This is risk free, if you can’t make it work, simply cancel your account and you can claim for 30 days money back guarantee.

Which Hosting Plan Should You Go With?

First, you have to choose between ASPHostPortal their shared hosting, cloud, and dedicated hosting plans. If you need server root access or special security features or custom software, then cheap dedicated server are your options; else, (very) high chance that you would be alright with the lowest end package – Host One.

ASPHostPortal has 4 favorite shared hosting plan for ASP.NET, which is named Host Intro, Host One, Host Two, and Host Three. The main differences between these four packages are the limits disk space, bandwith, MSSQL, and mySQL databases that you can run on.

– Host Intro plan start with $1.00/month. This plan support 1 domain1, 1 GB disk space, 10 GB bandwith, no MSSQL and MySQL database. This is only to host simple ASP.NET website.

– Host One plan start with $5.00/month. This plan support Unlimited domains, 5 GB disk space, 60 GB bandwith, 2 MSSQL database @200 MB/database, 200 MB email space, dedicated application pool, with bonus 1 FREE domain name

– Host Two plan start with $9.00/month. This plan support Unlimited domains, 15 GB disk space, 150 GB bandwith, 4 MSSQL database @500 MB/database, 500 MB email space, dedicated application pool, with bonus 1 FREE domain name

– Host Three plan start with $14.00/month. This plan support Unlimited domains, 50 GB disk space, 500 GB bandwith, 6 MSSQL database @1000 MB/database, 1000 MB email space, dedicated application pool, with bonus 1 FREE domain name. This is the most favourite plan in shared hosting.

Here are complete comparison between their hosting plans:

Host Intro
1 GB Disk Space
10 GB Bandwith
Only Able to Host 1 Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
0 MSSQL database
0 MySQL database
0 Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host One
5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
2 MSSQL database
3 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host Two
15 GB Disk Space
150 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
4 MSSQL database
6 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host Three
50 GB Disk Space
500 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
6 MSSQL database
10 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site

To ensure customers put their money in safe hands, ASPHostPortal guarantees 30 days money back, which means customers are allowed to ask for their money back if they are not 100% happy with the service and want to terminate their accounts within the first 30 days. Additionally, this company supports both credit cards and PayPal to enable customers to complete a payment conveniently and securely.

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting Uptime Guarantee

The longer we run our websites at ASPHostPortal Hosting, the more we like the web host – because their servers NEVER fail me! Have a look on the following uptime records (screen captured from Uptime Robot) and you’ll see what we are talking about. It feels a bit silly to post regular uptime scores on this page because the readings I get are either 99.99% or 100% always.

We have monitored it for few months and the result is really amazing.


ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting Speed Test

All their data center utilizes the latest technologies and the support of robust facilities and infrastructures, its data center are powerful guarantee for the good performance of ASPHostPortal hosting.

We have monitored the websites that hosted on their data center and collected relevant statistics during test period. The result shows that ASPHostPortal performs surprisingly well both in speed and stability. The average response time of its servers is within 250 ms. The company constantly invests on facilities so now even at traffic peaks the loading speed of websites is at the top level.

All servers that ASPHostPortal used are 100% Dell server. They will not only be stored in the top datacenter, but also contains:

  • high performance SSD hard drive and fault tolerant RAID disk arrays
  • BGP technology and Cisco hardware firewall

In addition, ASPHostPortal implements sophisticated network monitoring, automated backup and Safety Locks. Along with the maintenance of its experienced and skillful engineers, the servers and websites would run properly and rapidly within a high-secured and stable environment.

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Core RC 2 hosting service offers industry-leading 99.99% uptime guarantee.

Another Reasons to Choose ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting

Extraordinary ASP.NET Hosting Plan

As you can see above, they have great uptime guarantee and also great server performance. We never feel disappointed with them. Our site’s uptime record never goes below 99.9% uptime. We believe with around $5.00-$8.00/month ASP.NET hosting plan, this company is really reliable and you can rely to them.

Upgrade Anytime You Like

Outgrown your current web host? No problem. With ASPHostPortal, you can upgrade to cloud or dedicated hosting plan easily (more about how to choose the right ASPHostPortal hosting plans later).

Money Back Guarantee

Okay, you probably do not care much about refund policy and trial period if a web host is performing well. However ASPHostPortal’s long trial period indicates a few positive things – one, the company is very confident with their service quality (30 days is the longest full refund period in hosting industry); and two, longer trial period shows that the company has strong commitment in meeting customers satisfaction.

Microsoft Hosting Partner

Since 2012, they become of the best ASP.NET Hosting partner. You can see their site on Microsoft Spotlight site. So, are you still doubt with them? They have been awarded as Microsoft Spotlight Partner, this indicate they are fully support .NET and have expertise in ASP.NET product.

Great Record in ASP.NET Hosting Business

Instead of Microsoft Hosting partner, the last thing we want to see is our hosting company ran out of business. Note that ASPHostPortal has been around for more than a decade. This means the company survived the collapse of sub prime crisis (2008). If you are looking for a sustainable and stable hosting company, ASPHostPortal Hosting definitely fits the bill perfectly.

Conclusion – We Highly Recommend ASPHostPortal as Your ASP.NET Hosting Provider

Let’s make a summary about ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Core RC 2 hosting service. Firstly, ASPHostPortal is the company who provides 100% .NET focused products only. Their hosting solution contains great rich resources, features and tools, and can help customers build and manage very powerful websites. Secondly, ASPHostPortal uses the latest Microsoft technologies and robust hardware to deliver customers one of the most reliable and fastest server performances.

The support service of ASPHostPortal is responsive and effective. Customers can contact the support technicians and get answers at any time. Through the special promotion, ASPHostPortal hosting price is cut down to $1.00 per month, with friendly 30 Days Money Back Guarantee covered.

Taking all ASPHostPortal hosting advantages and benefits into consideration, ASPHostPortal can be regarded as one of the best ASP.NET RC 2 hosting solutions that strongly recommend to individuals, developers and businesses.

Please visit to know further about their hosting business.

