Node.js Really Helpful? Find More! - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Node.js is a runtime system for creating (mostly) server-side applications. It’s best known as a popular means for JavaScript coders to build real-time Web APIs.

At it’s core, Node.js is a stripped-down, highly customizable server engine — a proto-server, if you will — because out of the box it doesn’t do anything until you set it up. This proto-server processes in a loop, ready to accept and respond to requests. Any of those requests themselves may initiate other requests to some other part of the system, such as to read a file off of disk or to send a signal to spin a motor on a robot arm. That loop, known as the event loop, is the “runtime” part.


Node.js ships with workhorse connectors and libraries such as those relating to HTTP, SSL, compression, filesystem access, and raw TCP and UDP. JavaScript, already tuned for a Web browser’s event loop environment for GUI and network events, is a great language for wiring up these connectors. You can snap connectors onto the event loop almost as easily as you can snap Lego parts together. Doing so lets you create a simple, dynamic Web server in just a few lines of JavaScript.

In short, Node.js is a runtime system that makes it easy to build a network or other event-driven application servers.

Why Use Node.js to Develop Your Application?

Fast and Easy

Increasing competition between rival internet companies, the speed of delivery and the ability to iterate are the key traits of market leaders. In a competitive scenario, reacting to end user needs, incorporating their feedback into the offering and delivering updates and changes regularly is essential.

Easier for Developer

It’s extremely difficult to hire top talent these days; good developers like to learn new things and to use new technologies. The ability to make developers happy in your organization cannot be underestimated, happy enthusiastic developers means better software, delivered with more passion by people that are having fun.

Very Attractive for New Users

It’s true, you can do anything in Java! But what’s also true is that the best developers like to work using new and interesting technologies, developers want to work new technologies which enable more and allows ideas to be expressed quickly and easily.

Great and Stable Performance

PayPal reported: double the number of requests per-second and reduced response time by 35% or 200 milliseconds.

WalMart Labs had a bumper launch with Node.js in 2013, where they put all of their Mobile traffic through Node.js on black-friday, the busiest shopping period of the year.
The team at WalMart Labs live tweeted against #nodebf tag showing the performance of the Node.js application.

On Black Friday the WalMart servers didn’t go over 1% CPU utilisation and the team did a deploy with 200,000,000 users online.

Very Easy to Modify and Maintain

New services development using Node.js is easy because of conventions that have grown with Node. Writing applications the Node-way means that applications are composed from small modules, which are piped together. Over-time traditional monolithic applications become rigid and difficult to adapt and as new requirements are added. Eventually traditional applications begin to creak under the weight and the stress put on them by the requirements they were not designed for.

With Node.js a group of small applications is developed instead of one large application, this enables a change to be made or new functionality to be added without requiring changes to be made deep inside the entire code-base.

Very Productive

Node.js programs are developed using JavaScript, this means that the silos that existed between frontend developers and backend developers are now broken down, and this results in significant efficiencies in the development process. With Node.js it’s possible to merge web and backend teams into one unit which makes things much more efficient. Node.js opens the door to a world where full stack developers make life much better by reducing inter-silo dependencies. Node.js also has a great package management system called NPM, it’s the first package systems for JavaScript to get dependency management right. NPM effectively kills the possibility of experiencing dependency hell. Node also has a vibrant user-land and a very large number of modules are available via Node.js’s package manager (over 60,000 and growing fast)

PayPal measured a 2x increase in developer productivity, where it took half the number of developers to deliver an application when compared to Java, and it was delivered in less time.

European Hosting Provider Recommendation for Node.js – HostForLIFEASP.NET

HostForLIFEASP.NET offers a wide range of different Node.js hosting services: Shared, Cloud, VPS, Reseller, and Dedicated.

HostForLIFEASP.NET offers four different Node.js shared hosting plans: Classic, Budget, Economy, and Business, to fit different webmasters’ needs.

Each of their Node.js hosting plan with the same basic ‘unlimited hosting’ features. For Business Plan, you get a lot more extra features on top of what you can get on Classic, including free private SSL, dedicated IP, free domain name, and exclusive application pool for your site.

Choosing Right Node.js Hosting Plan


Do not get scared by the options you have at HostForLIFEASP.NET – it is indeed a very simple choice. Questions to ask:

  • Do you want to use more than 1 databases on HostForLIFEASP.NET? If no, then Classic is the plan to go with; else, take Budget.
  • Do you need business hosting features such as private SSL, and exclusive application pool? If yes, then go with Business Plan.

The good thing about HostForLIFEASP.NET plans is that upgrading (from Classic to Budget/Economy or from Economy to Business) is free and easy.

Outstanding Server Performance

HostForLIFEASP.NET server has been performing since the last major outage in 2014. In fact, the recent uptime record is outstanding. Our site hosted at HostForLIFEASP.NET has enjoyed several months of 100% uptime – there was no outage recorded since April at this time of writing (August 15th, 2016). Please refer to image below and server test data below for more details.


We have tested our site that hosted with them. Our test site on HostForLIFEASP.NET had an average uptime of 99.96%, well over the 99.90% industry average. Few months (September & December) ruined the perfect uptime which would have been 99.99%.

Eco-Friendly Node.js Hosting Provider

HostForLIFEASP.NET is a certified green Node.js host. According to the officials, HostForLIFE’s operation is 120% powered by wind energy – this means for every unit energy used, HostForLIFEASP.NET will restore 1.2 unit (via buying certified Renewable Energy Credits) clean energy back to the grid.

HostForLIFEASP.NET Node.js Hosting Performance

We test HostForLIFEASP.NET server speed and stack the results against other web hosts.

Our site hosted on HostForLIFEASP.NET was pinged from 8 different locations and responses times were recorded (using a tool named Bitcatcha), the score was an average B when we checked it on February 2016. See more info in the following image.


With above details, we know that HostForLIFEASP.NET performs quite good. If you are based in Europe and US< then they are best option to host your Node.js site. It only take 1 ms to load and in Europe (London), it also take 58 ms, that’s good result.

HostForLIFEASP.NET Customer Reviews

We have collected many reviews about their hosting services and the result is quite amazing. A lot of customers satisfied with their hosting services. Just see the review below for more information:


HostForLIFEASP.NET Node.js Hosting Customer Support

We care a ton about quality support, so this is one of the areas where we knew we were going to be really tough compared to other HostForLIFEASP.NET reviews. The issues we had at our previous provider may not have been that big of a deal if their support team had been more responsive. Based on what we’ve seen so far, we’re confident that’s not going to be a problem with HostForLIFEASP.NET. Their support has been amazing.

HostForLIFEASP.NET’s in-house experts are there to help 24/7/365. Whether you’re looking for expert assistance with Node.js setup or some tips for marketing your site, their Tech Support Team has assembled a series of tutorials, guides, and step-by-step resources to make launching a website with Node.js hassle-free.

HostForLIFEASP.NET’s commitment to customer service is made clear by the technology they’ve built to support their users. Easily submit new issues regarding billing, development, site transfer, installations, and more using their Support Ticketing System they’ve developed in-house.

Conclusion – HostForLIFEASP.NET is Best Option to Host Your Node.js in Europe

If you have read our explanation above, there are no doubts to select them as your Node.js hosting provider. We can make sure that you can rely on them, you can count on them! They are best in this field, they have been running this business for many years, so there are no arguments that you still doubt with them. We are one of satisfied customers and would like you to visit their official site if you ever plan on starting up or shifting your ASP.NET Core site.