Problem Finding Good Worpress Hosting? See This Tips! - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

If you are looking for web host for your new WordPress site, then you have numerous options in front of you. There are hundreds, if not thousands of great providers of web hosting services. This post is aimed at anyone who’s creating a new WordPress site or those who’ve created a new WordPress site and aren’t satisfied with their web host.

With so many options, the question then becomes, “how do you pick the one that’s best for you and your website?”.

There are a number of parameters that play a role, in the suitability of a web hosting service.

With web hosting, one size certainly does not fit all. The ideal web host for WindowsWebHostingReview is probably not the best one for you. If you’re starting a website under a new domain name, you’ll find the costs expensive and the hardware unnecessarily powerful .

Every scenario is different, a few pointers to help you find the right host. First, you need to advise your requirements, it is something like:

[su_spoiler title=”What is your current website traffic ? How much do you expect it grow in the next few months?” style=”fancy”] [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How scalable a web hosting provider do you want? This would depend on your answer to the previous question.” style=”fancy”] [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Do you require your hosting service to be developer friendly?” style=”fancy”] [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How much support do you need?” style=”fancy”] [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”What is your allocated budget for your hosting solution ?” style=”fancy”] [/su_spoiler]

These should be foremost among the questions that you need to answer, before you try to identify the right hosting solution for your WordPress site.

How to Choose Best WordPress Hosting Provider that Suits You


Speed and Performance

Good hardware is essential to ensure great quality of service from a web host.  The memory (RAM), the processing power (CPUs) and disk space (HDDs & SSDs) made available to you play a big role in determining the overall performance of your website.

Now the usage of your RAM and CPU, depends on the type of content on your website and the number of visitors at any one type. For example, if you create viral content the average hosting plan provided to you at minimal cost is not sufficient to handle such bursts of traffic. It will cause your website to slow down and on the rare occasion even go offline. And we can’t have that.

It isn’t disk space that is important, seeing as though there are many hosting companies who provide you with unlimited disk space. Rather the ability of your host to get the information quickly to your visitors, in other words the transfer speed that counts. And it is even better, if you have a web host who can keep your site’s data transfer times low, even under high load.

You can check the load on your server’s CPU, RAM and how much disk space you use. If you are cutting it close, then it is time to upgrade your hosting plan. You can generally check this from your host’s dashboard.

Customer Support, Reviews, and Reputation

When your site, for some unknown reason, goes down, can you call up and get a real, live person on the phone? And, more than that, can they find out what’s wrong and fix it, or at least tell you what you need to do to get your site back online?

Before going with your web host look into their reputation for customer support. See what kinds of different ways you can contact them when you need support. Are they staffed 24/7? Do they outsource support?

Do a Google search for a particular hosting company, or look them up on Twitter search – whatever you have to do to see what their current customers are saying about them. Use social media – ask a question about a company, and you’re more likely to get answers. In our opinion the most important questions are:

  • Are they easy to contact for support?
  • What’s the average time for responding ticket?
  • When they find a problem with a site, what’s their course of action?



Best to start with a shared hosting if you are new. Shared web hosts are pretty powerful these days. On a very rough guestimation, a shared hosting account should be sufficient to support a proper-optimized WordPress blog with 30,000 – 40,000 monthly unique visitors. Shared hosting (sometimes called virtual hosting) means you’re sharing one server with your hosting company’s other clients.

But important thing to consider about your web hosting provider (and the plan you choose) is whether or not they fit into your plans for the future. If you expect your website to grow really big in next two or three years, then you should consider picking up a web host with room to grow. In other words, you need to be able upgrading your web host – from shared hosting to VPS to dedicated server – for more processing power, memory capacity, disk storage, and better security features.

As with all these factors, do some research, get some opinions, and make an informed decision:

– Does the host have VPS or Dedicated Server solutions?
– Will they be able to easily upgrade your account? How long takes to upgrade your account?

How about Security

Ask Your Potential Host’s Network if it has Blackholed IPs. Many hosts care little about who’s actually hosting on their networks, so long as the clients pay their bill. That means many hosters will allow porn sites, spammers and servers that create security issues on their network. Getting blackholed means that other networks will refuse e-mail originating from your IP because it’s blacklisted.

Problem Finding Good WordPress Hosting?

It is by far the best choice for any eCommerce entrepreneur, a blogger creating a commercial website or any other small business. The technical side of things is taken care of and you can grow without having to worry about your host’s ability to handle increased server loads. Hosting company will take care of regular backups, WordPress core updates and any other technical chanagle your website might face along the way.

It is quite hard to find best and cheap wordpress hosting, but we have tested so many wordpress hosting outside there and we have listed wordpress hosting recommendation on our blog. We would recommend HostForLIFEASP.NET as the best European WordPress hosting provider, UKWindowsHostASP.NET if you need UK server, and as US WordPress hosting provider.


HostForLIFEASP.NET owns 4 data centers, which located in London, Paris, Amsterdam, and the newest Frankfurt respectively. Both data centers  are Tier-1 and highly secured, which give a good reason for HostForLIFEASP.NET to guarantee 99.9% up time. For better hosting experience, customers can choose one of them according to their location.


HostForLIFEASP.NET only offers 4 favorite shared hosting package to customers, named Classic, Budget, Economy, and Business plan. To host your WordPress 4.1 site, you can always start from their lowest plan, Classic plan €3.00/month. This plan comes with unlimited disk space, unlimited traffic, 1 MySQL database, 1 MSSQL database, unlimited email accounts.


UKWindowsHostASP.NET is our top choice for UK wordpress hosting provider. They are not the cheapest hosting and one year hosting plan costs £2.00/month. Their windows hosting server fully optimized with WordPress hosting. You can install WordPress directly via their Control Panel. Yes, it is only one click installation, just 2 minutes to install your WordPress site.


This company offers money back guarantee if any of the clients fail to get the desired results. If the company does not work up to the expectations in a certain month, and the valid refund period is 30 days. In addition, the customer service is based on London and the representatives are working 24/7.


ASPHostPortal is our top choice for US wordpress shared hosting. This web hosting has a reputation as a top provider of wordpress hosting services. Customer can start from their Host One plan ($5.00/month) to host WordPress hosting. It comes with 5 GB disk space, 60 GB bandwith, host unlimited domains, comes with also email accounts, a free domain, 24/7 technical and customer care support.


This company offers money back guarantee if any of the clients fail to get the desired results. If the company does not work up to the expectations in a certain month, and the valid refund period is 30 days.
