Reasons Why You Should Avoid FREE Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

We believe that some of you want to use FREE hosting and don’t want to spend money to build your site. But, the fact that you will face any problem while you use FREE hosting. In this article, we will show you the reasons why never go with free hosting. Nowadays, there are many cheap hosting provider that offer reliable hosting services.


Here are few reasons you should not go for FREE web hosting providers:

1. Many Advertisement to Your Site

There are no free lunch in this world, you must surely pay in one way or the other. You may get FREE hosting on their server, but they will also put FREE banner advertisement on your site. You will see popup adds, popunder ads, affiliate links, banner links etc appear on your website or blog while using a free hosting service because this is one way to make you pay for their free server space.

And the amazing thing that sometimes the banner ads is popup is your competitor and it will hurt to your business. Avoid FREE hosting!!

2. You Can’t Use Your Domain

Sometimes, free hosting providers don’t let you to purchase your own domain name. They will give you custom domain name for you. Why? With custom domain, they wish to promote their business by forcing you to use a lengthy domain like We don’t want to mention the name of the hosting provider but we believe that you might experience with this hosting provider if you use free hosting.

If you are serious in business online, such domain name makes your business look unprofessional.

3. The Performance is SUCKS

Don’t hope they will promise to give you 100% uptime guarantee. They won’t!!! Your site will be up and down like rollercoaster. They will put all eggs on same bucket. One server can host thousand sites.

4. There is no Guarantee about Customer Support


Free hosting is actually synonymous to no customer support for you. Just imagine how they hire people to answer your problem while they offer free hosting for you. You are not paying any cent from them, they have many servers that need to pay every month. How can you expect they will give you support? Although they have customers support, they actually would barely respond to your needs.

5. The Servers run Incredibly Slow

Why? It is because they will put your site with a thousand sites on the same server. That makes your site often goes up and down like rollercoaster. This would definitely break the operation of several websites hosted on their servers. And getting your business offline could be disastrous at most times, especially if you own an eCommerce site.

6. Your Data is not SAFE

Please keep in mind that they can go bankrupt anytime as they can’t afford to pay running cost every month. So, how is your data? We believe that you can answer it, all your data will be lost. You need to start from beginning again


If you wish to run a successful website and online company, avoiding the free web hosting companies is one step in the right direction. There are many cheap and reliable hosting provider now, you may check the hosting recommendation here.


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