Which One is Better? Plesk vs Cpanel? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Today post will cover difference between Plesk and Cpanel. We believe this is the most favorite control panel now. User use Cpanel on Linux Platform and Plesk on Windows Platform. But, sometimes there are hosting providers use Plesk for Linux Platform. So, what is the difference? Which one is better? Which one is easy to manage?

Here’s a breakdown of the main differences between WHM/cPanel and Parallels Plesk.


Compatibility with Operating Systems

Before you start comparing features, consider the type of operating system you use. This will determine which control panel may be better for you. Plesk is largely catered to Windows users and will run much better than cPanel on Windows. cPanel supports CentOS, BSD distros, FreeBSDRedHat, and Linux OS.

Cost & Available Plans

Budget is always a considerable factor when choosing between technological products and services. Both panels are often bundled with a hosting plan meaning you don’t have to buy a license separately, but if you don’t have a license included then you can expect to pay the following…

  • cPanel offers a $425 yearly plan (which comes to just over $35 per month), or a $45 monthly plan.
  • Plesk offers a $35 monthly plan, which is better for the short-term user, and is significantly more expensive for unlimited use. Both cPanel and Plesk offer different upgrades and add-ons to extend their functionality.


Once again, usability and design aside, both cPanel and Plesk tend to have a lot of similarities. For instance, both offer configurable reseller packages, RPM based installation, support for DNS synchronization, databases, users and permissions, and so on.

If both the web hosting control panels are so good, how does one pick the better option? I will divide the answer in two heads.

End Users Usage

If you only use for wordpress or something similiar, then you can use Cpanel. It will suits your requirement. Why? With Cpanel, you can easily migrate your wordpress site and database using Cpanel within few minutes. It is really easy to migrate everything to new host if you change your hosting provider.

If you use Windows Server like ASP.NET technology, then Plesk Panel is the most suitable for you. Plesk has many good features, and you can easily manage your files, database, email accounts directly via the control panel. And Plesk always keep up to date their technology, they always keep up to date their security system which is good for users.

Web Host Usage

Plesk is a complete multi-level hosting control panel, offering the server administrators a wide range of options to build and maintain the hosting business and also giving the end users full control over their websites. It has an easy-to-navigate interface, which offers huge convenience to users to navigate to multiple sections so that users can quickly find the functionality they need.

Plesk has a menu bar on the left and shows the detailed features or applications included on the right, just as the following.


cPanel is a graphical web-based control panel that helps users easily manage their websites and hosting accounts. It allows users to handle and maintain nearly all aspects of server operation, such as email and file hosting, web statistics, site builder, and so on. Whether you are handling one or hundreds of servers/ websites, the user-friendly cPanel interface allows you to customize your control panel to match your requirements.


How to Decide it? Plesk or Cpanel?

Plesk and cPanel are both fast, stable and secure. In the past, when one has advanced, the other has often caught up fairly quickly. If you’re new to hosting, find a web host that offers demos of both control panels and try them out for yourself.

For existing users, the biggest issue is migration. If you’re on a cPanel or Plesk system now, avoid changing unless it is absolutely necessary. Not only will you be forced to learn a new control panel, but migration issues can be a nightmare.