Who is the Winner? HostGator or Godaddy for ASP.NET Hosting? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Godaddy and HostGator are two ASP.NET hosting providers that have won a good reputation for offering reliable and affordable hosting solutions to individuals, small businesses, families, as well as many businesses that are in a larger size. Both Godaddy and HostGator covers almost everything in the field, including domain registration, web hosting, servers, eCommerce and other products and services.

There are many customers who are stuck with this two ASP.NET hosting and have no idea about which one is better. So our editors spend some time to dig out real information about their hosting, hoping to provide useful guidance. In this Godaddy VS HostGator, we discuss the weakness and strengths from aspects like price, features, performance and customer service.

ASP.NET Hosting Pricing – Godaddy vs HostGator

This both providers provide affordable ASP.NET hosting plan that are priced at the average level or lower.

GoDaddy ASP.NET hosting includes 3 solutions, named as Economy, Deluxe and Ultimate. Since the web host comes to realize that the regular $6.99/mo, $8.99/mo and $14.99/mo are really big costs for most webmasters, it enables 50% discount for $3.49/mo, $4.49/mo and $7.49/mo respectively. Within the first 45 days, this company allows customers to ask for a full refund if they are not satisfied with the service.

HostGator in other hand have 2 shared ASP.NET hosting packages. There is Personal and Enterprise plan. The price start from $4.76/month and $10.77/month.  But you can get this price if you pay 3 years in advanced. For month plan, it will cost $7.96/month and $15.96/month.

ASP.NET Hosting Features – Godaddy vs HostGator

We have discussed about their pricing structure above. Now, how about their ASP.NET hosting features? Which providers have great ASP.NET hosting features? We have learned their hosting packages side by side and we found that they almost have same rich features. Below is complete explanation.

Control Panel

Both Godaddy and HostGator use Plesk control panel as their UI. Plesk is very favourite and most ASP.NET hosting providers use this control panel. Customers can easily manage their site, database, email, etc through Plesk. In addition, customers can install more than 50 famous CMS with 1 single click. Plesk also keep evolve and always follow the latest Microsoft technologies. It also comes with great security and usability.

Windows Hosting Technologies and Features

Both Godaddy and HostGator also offer the latest Microsoft technologies, such as the latest ASP.NET, MSSQL, MySQL, ASP.NET MVC, Classic ASP, Silverlight, etc. Godaddy and HostGator have their own strength. For example, on their lowest package, HostGator offer 1 hosted domain, unlimited space, and also unlimited bandwith. HostGator hosting plan is almost the same with Godaddy. They also offer 1 hosted domain and unlimited bandwith on their lowest package. If we read their terms and conditions, all of their unlimited web space honestly are configured with 25 GB available web space.

To show the differences more clearly, we have compared hosting plan from Godaddy with HostGator hosting plan. Read the detailed information in below.

Hosting PlanEconomyPersonal
Disk SpaceUnlimitedUnlimited
Hosted Domain11
Windows Server 2012/20162012/2016
Lastest ASP.NET VersionsYesYes
SQL Database2Unlimited*
Full TrustNoNo
Isolated App Pool No No
WebSocket Yes No
URL Rewrite Yes No

ASP.NET Hosting Performance – Godaddy vs HostGator

Both of Godaddy and HostGator offer multiple data center locations and utilize many advanced technologies to guarantee the uptime and speed of their ASP.NET hosting services. HostGator and Godaddy perform almost same on performance. As we have monitored the uptime and server response time of all the 2 companies for over 12 months, HostGator is quite better than Godaddy, their uptime is almost the same, around 98.78%, not full 99.9% as they promise on their website. For speed, HostGator is 12% faster than Godaddy. See the real-time statistics chart as the following.


If we compare with other ASP.NET hosting providers such as ASPHostPortal, we found they perform faster than HostGator and Godaddy. ASPHostPortal is only takes 200-250 ms to load.

HostGator vs Godaddy Customer Support

HostGator hires engineers who are 24/7 available for customers via email, phone and live chat. This is very great for customer service. But sometimes, you may need a bit longer or they might pass your inquiry to their senior if they cant fix your issue. Their support also recommend to create support if this is quite difficult issue or need to investigate further.

As for Godaddy, the company offers Support Portal and email for customers to help them get their problems resolved. It is almost same with HostGator, Godaddy outsource their technical support from India, you might feel difference when called their technical support. They also don’t have good experience in ASP.NET.

Conclusion – Think it twice!

If you are looking ASP.NET Hosting and require better service and performance, we would recommend you to find other ASP.NET hosting provider. You can find it on our blog (top user’s pick for ASP.NET hosting provider) or you can find on other blogs/forums. For your information, we have tested their hosting services and we can recommend them if you use ASP.NET hosting services. Good luck!