Wordpress Hosting Tips - Is Your Wordpress Site Being Attacked by Hackers? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

As we may know that WordPress is the great CMS for blogging and most of people using this CMS. In this article, we will show tutorial about how to secure your WordPress site from hackers. Securing WordPress is one of the most popular topics discussed as it is really important to secure your WordPress site.


1. Make Sure Do Not Make Default Username and Password

When you signed up with hosting provider, you will be given access to your hosting account and Control Panel. When you installed your WordPress site, please make sure that you use different username and password for your WordPress site. It will be minimize the hacker hack your account.

We also recommend you to change your own details if the hosting company allow you to do it because you never know how secure your hosting company’s server. But, if you use reputable hosting provider, then you don’t need to worry about this issue.

2. Do you have plugins for your WordPress Site?

We believe that you must install WordPress plugin. You need to keep updating your WordPress plugin. It is vital role. If a newer version is released, it always contains bug fixes, which ensure your website works properly, and often contains security patches, which close a hole in the security of your site. Both of those are reasons enough to keep WordPress and plugins updated – and if anything does break or need adjusting, they are usually minor and quick to address.

We would also recommend you to delete your unused plugins. If you haven’t used it, please delete it. A hacker may target plugins that people purchased because they are popular. A hackers can gain access to your site via a hole they find or create in your unused plugins.


3. Use Strong Password

We would recommend you to use password more than 10 characters long, and mix it with numbers and letters. If you want to be more secure, change it every months. But, please make sure you don’t forget your new password.

4. Backup Your Site Periodically

Having validated backups is vital for ensuring your website can recover from any issue, whether they are WordPress security related or not. Be sure to test your backups, doing a restore every few weeks, and ensure that you or your webmaster not only know how to restore your site, but that the backups were successful and error free.

We would recommend you to backup your database daily, and also backup your content folder weekly. If your hosting provider doesn’t offer this schedule backup for free, we would recommend you to purchase the addon. Most of reputable hosting provider will do daily backup, for example ASPHostPortal.com.


5. Install WordPress Security Plugin

There are pieces of additional software you can add to your WordPress content management system. They vary in quality, with some being worth the money and others being a bust. Do not forget that many of the plugins were made by regular people, which means some are useless and some are works of perfection. Do your research before buying security plugins and do not trust the marketing hype you read about them.

Here are some WordPress security plugin that we would recommend for you:

All in One WP Security and Firewall
BulletProff Security
WordPress Simple Firewall

The above WordPress plugins are great and trustable. You can download it and configure it to your WordPress site.

6. Use Reputable WordPress Hosting Provider

This should go without saying, but you should find a host that puts security as a top priority. Many free hosting packages cannot afford to spend a lot of money on security, though that doesn’t automatically mean a big and expensive company spends a lot of money on security either.

It is up to you to find a hosting package that takes security very seriously because gaining access to your website via your servers is the ultimate backdoor pass. Done correctly, by getting into your website via hacking a server, the hacker may be able to overcome almost all of your security measures with ease.

We would recommend you to find reputable WordPress hosting provider here. We have tested them and we can recommend it for you.


Security is not a simple thing, but the above simple steps can take your site from being in trouble to running rock solid for years to come. If you have any inquiries or comments, please just let us know.

We hope that article above is really helpful for you. Please kindly share it if you like this tutorial and you also help many people outside there.


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