10 Effective Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

You have thus developed your website. You’ve included information about your services as well as a list of all your products. Regrettably, not much is occurring. No one is coming in, so no one is purchasing. What is lacking?

website visitors. Having a website alone is insufficient. You must advertise your website and make it simple for people to find it. Fortunately, there are many methods and strategies you can employ to make this process much simpler.

We’ll discuss the significance of picking the appropriate promotional strategies for your website in this post. Then, we’ll give you 10 tried-and-true methods for increasing website traffic. We’ll go over how to use community, email marketing, and a lot more. Let’s go for it!

Selecting the Most Effective Strategies to Increase Website Traffic

You can increase the amount of traffic to your website using a variety of strategies. It can be difficult to decide which ones are best for you, though.

In the end, there isn’t a solution that works for everyone. You are aware of your company, your circumstances, and your objectives (if not, review our comprehensive guide to starting a business).

However, there are some factors that can help you decide which digital marketing strategies to employ and which to forgo, such as:

  • Your budget. These strategies include some free ones. Some come with a price. If you want to effectively increase traffic to your website, it should go without saying that you will need to invest some money. However, your budget will help you determine how and where to spend that money.
  • Your knowledge level. Choose strategies you can carry out with ease. For instance, the majority of us could begin blogging about our profession. Although there is a low entry barrier, keyword research does require some knowledge to get started and ensure that you choose the correct data. An upgrade from that is technical search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Your goals. Content marketing is crucial if you want to increase traffic and brand awareness. Pay for targeted traffic on social media if you only want people to visit your website to make purchases. In every situation, your strategy for increasing traffic should include SEO.

We advise spending some time getting acquainted with the strategies at your disposal before beginning with the ones with which you are most familiar. Finding a plan that works best for you may require some trial and error.

10 Effective Ways to Increase Website Traffic

Let’s discuss the best traffic-generating strategies now that we are aware of how crucial it is to pick them. Here are 10 tried-and-true methods to boost website traffic.

1. Answer Niche-Specific Questions

No matter what stage of the purchasing process your potential customers are in, they will have inquiries that need to be addressed. Questions like “What is content marketing?” or “Which content marketing tools are best for content planning?” could be at the top of the funnel or further down.

You are exposing your company to potential customers by responding to these questions. So how do you discover the queries that potential clients are posing?

Google should be your first stop. You can start to get ideas by simply searching for your topic. For instance, as you can see in the illustration below, Google presents the questions you must respond to directly in the search results:

These are PAA boxes, or People Also Ask boxes. It is a surefire way to increase traffic to your website to have your content appear in them. When you start selecting these search results, you’ll also observe that you receive an increasing number of questions to respond to:

The only thing left to do is to start gathering this data and utilizing it to guide the development of your FAQ and Q&A sections. Additionally, there are many ways to automate the gathering of this data.

2. Create Eye-Catching Visual Content

It’s important to note that using this strategy increases your chances of obtaining links and exposure on other websites, both of which help gradually increase traffic to your website — unless, of course, you can tie your visuals to the type of content people are actively looking for.

You could produce a variety of visual content. Visualizing data that is pertinent to your niche is one of the most popular techniques.

Infographics can also be produced to aid in the quick understanding of difficult subjects. You can use many online tools to make this process simpler. Canva is a well-liked choice:

You can also take pictures that you can license through Creative Commons, which will lead to your company being mentioned on other websites.

3. Active in Forums

Due in large part to their long history as a “easy” link-building tool, forums are derided by many marketers as a traffic-boosting strategy. But not all spam is found in forums. They are often used as an acceptable method of generating traffic.

Since most well-known forums have been around for a while, they typically have a large number of active users. Really, they aren’t forums. They are groups of people who unite over a shared interest in a subject.

You can consistently increase traffic to your website if you can locate the right forums and contribute in a sincere and helpful manner. Several things should be kept in mind:

  • Don’t post links to your content too often as this could be seen as spammy
  • Give detailed answers to questions, which demonstrate that you’re a go-to industry expert
  • Share high-quality posts regularly

4. Focus in Keyword

Keyword research is the process used to identify keywords that will help drive more traffic to a site. We typically determine a keyword’s “value” using three metrics:

  • Relevancy
  • Search volume
  • Competition

Let’s say you’re working on a website that sells women’s bags

  • Women’s bags
  • Women’s cross shoulder bags
  • etc

Although they might appear in keyword searches for women’s shoes, the following are not relevant keywords:

  • Men’s shoes
  • Children’s shoes
  • Men’s glasses

As a result, you would filter them out of your research or ignore them. You should avoid optimizing your website for the name of a competitor! Brand terms are another aspect of relevance to take into account. or overly broad terminology.

The quantity of searches made using a particular keyword over a predetermined period of time, usually per month, is known as the search volume. This is crucial because more searches have the potential to bring more visitors to your website. The amount of searches a keyword receives, however, does not guarantee that it is the best option for you. The competition is another thing to think about.

Keyword competition, also known as keyword difficulty, is a score that indicates how difficult it is to target a keyword. The range for this score is typically 0 to 100. However, it’s not quite as straightforward as “high competition, you won’t rank” or “low competition, you will rank.” The site’s stability must also be taken into account.

Few, if any, incoming links are going to be present on a new website. It will therefore have a low Domain Authority (DA) and struggle to rank for keywords with any sort of significant competition. A site with a DA of, say, 90+, on the other hand, could feasibly target just about any keyword.

5. Active in Social Media

Organic social media, or posting on social media without paying, doesn’t always provide businesses with a high return on investment. Social media platforms realized they could charge businesses to be seen rather than have their organic visibility reduced to almost nothing.

Although paid social media costs are frequently surprisingly affordable, organic social media may be a lame duck. The average Cost Per Click (CPC) on Facebook across all industries is $1.72, according to data compiled by WordStream:

Of course, the price varies greatly between industries. The least-paid categories are fashion and apparel, at about $0.45 per click. The highest pay is in finance and insurance, at about $3.77. In general, Instagram ads cost between $0.70 and $1.00 per click.

There are a few benefits to using social media for traffic generation rather than more conventional paid advertising channels like Google AdWords. In general, it is less expensive. Occasionally, noticeably so.

An eye-watering $18.57 is the typical CPC for an insurance company using Google Ads. Fashion companies will spend approximately $1.19, which is more than twice what they would for a Facebook advertisement.

Additionally, social media advertising enables you to connect with potential clients when they’re relaxed and active. They might “like” your page or profile instead if they like your brand or product but aren’t ready to buy. This provides you with numerous avenues for future marketing to them.

6. Create Youtube Videos

There are many ways that making YouTube videos can help you increase traffic to your website in the burgeoning field of video marketing. First, viewers will be able to click on your website link if you include one in the video description.

By including a CTA in the video itself, you can also advertise your website and encourage viewers to visit it for more details or to sign up for your newsletter. Making your videos shareable and embeddable on other websites can also aid in boosting website traffic.

7. Giveaways or Contest

Running a contest or giveaway can help increase traffic to your website for a few key reasons. First, you’ll probably notice an increase in traffic as people click through to enter if you promote your competition or giveaway through social media or other online channels.

Second, you’ll draw in new customers who are eager to enter if you offer a prize that appeals to and speaks to your target market. You can gather participant information for later use in marketing and promotions by creating lead generation or registration forms.

A sense of urgency and excitement surrounding your brand can be created by contests and giveaways, which will entice more people to visit your website. Check out our guide on how to manage an online giveaway for more specific advice.

8. Affiliate Program

A form of online advertising known as affiliate marketing involves businesses or individuals promoting and selling goods and services on behalf of other businesses. Affiliate marketing is a lucrative way to increase traffic to your website because affiliates get paid a commission for each sale they bring in:

An excellent way to increase the number of people who visit your website and discover your goods or services is to launch an affiliate program. You can entice affiliates to market your business to their audiences by paying them a commission on each sale they bring in. By doing this, you can increase your clientele, expand your business, and broaden your network of business contacts.

9. Conduct A/B Testing

Two versions of a web page are displayed to visitors as part of the website optimization process known as A/B testing. The ‘winning’ page is the one that performs better in terms of conversion rate or other metrics.

You can raise your website’s overall traffic and conversion rates by running A/B tests on important pages. There are a few tools available that you can use to run A/B tests. Crazy Egg is a well-liked choice.

This website provides a number of tools that can be used to gather insightful data about your pages. This includes heatmaps and traffic analysis in addition to A/B tests.

10. Check Your Competitors

The process of identifying and assessing your competitors in order to gain an advantage is known as competitor analysis. It can assist you in comprehending the strategies used by your rivals. Then, you can apply this information to enhance your own website and marketing initiatives.

A competitor analysis can be done in a variety of ways, but some of the most popular ones involve looking at their website traffic, keyword research, backlink profile, and social media activity. You can benefit from their successes and prevent their errors by comprehending these facets of their business.

There are many online tools available to you that can assist with this. One option is SimilarWeb, which we previously mentioned. In addition to entering a URL to view analytics about its traffic, you can also discover the sources of that traffic.


You should be able to develop a straightforward strategy for increasing the number of visitors to your website now that you have these strategies in your toolkit. But keep in mind that this isn’t a one-time exercise, and you don’t have to try each tactic individually or all at once.

Attempt something. See if it functions. If it doesn’t work, keep trying a little longer while adding something new to your lineup. Most importantly, make sure your site’s technical aspects are functioning properly.