EIG Acquire Arvixe, Bad or Good News for Users? - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

It has been confirmed that top rated webhost Arvixe has become the latest acquisition for mega host Endurance International Group (EIG). The sale became public when EIG released a report on 2014 Third Quarter Results

During the quarter, the company acquired Webzai, Ltd. and the assets of BuyDomains. In addition, on October 31, 2014, the company acquired the assets of Arvixe, LLC. The total consideration for these acquisitions is expected to be approximately $77 million.

EIGArvixe was owned by Arvand Sabetian and Avanquest North America Inc, and the purchase price is likely to be significant. We have confirmation that Avanquest has also sold its 50% share in the company via Reuters.

How about Arvixe Future?

Many people asks about this issue, how about my site that being hosted with Arvixe? We also worry about their future and we also wish Arvixe could be become better after sold to EIG. Based on our investigation, it is true that any companies that acquired by EIG become worse. But, we hope that this doesn’t happen to Arvixe.

New Web Hosting Recommendation

If your service become worse and you plan to move your site to new hosting provider, you don’t need to worry as we have recommendations for you here. You can choose ASPHostPortal, UKWindowsHostASP.NET, or HostForLIFEASP.NET.

For more information about this hosting provider, please read our editor reviews at

ASPHostPortal Review
UKWindowsHostASP.NET Review


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