How to Fix Err_Connection_Refused in Google Chrome - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

One of the most widely used browsers in the modern digital age is Google Chrome. Chrome still tops the list despite fierce competition from other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and others because of its quick page loading, easy-to-use features, and fast browsing speed.

Users of Google Chrome have reported encountering an error known as ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Without a fix, this error message stops your activities and makes it nearly impossible to access a website.

In this article, we will discuss the top 10 ways to resolve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED in Google Chrome. Even if you have never conducted troubleshooting before, everything that is described below can be completed in a short period of time.


How to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Error in Chrome?

1. Check website status

The “err connection refused” error is typically caused by Chrome’s inability to load the website.

  • Check to see if the same website opens on a different server or on a mobile device.
  • Verify whether or not other websites will open in the Chrome browser.
  • You can use this tools to check your website status.

If the results of the aforementioned checks indicate that the website is down, you must wait until it is online and operational.

2. Check your internet connection

The aforementioned error message is brought on by the browser if there are any problems with your internet connection or Wi-Fi routers.

Reset your Wi-Fi router by briefly turning it off and then back on. Then, verify whether the error has been fixed or not.

3. Clear your browser’s cache & cookies

Images, videos, logins, and other data are stored in the browser’s cache, which is a section of the browser’s memory. This makes it possible for repeat pages to load quickly and save time.

However, the browser’s speed and effectiveness decline when it becomes overloaded with all of this saved data. New pages can occasionally become hampered by out-of-date cache memory, leading to ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED errors.

How to clear your browser’s cache:

  • Open Chrome
  • In top right corner click More
  • Later click More Tools>Clear Browsing Data

  • Select All time – to delete everything
  • Click Clear data.

The address bar can also be used to type “Chrome://settings/clearBrowserData” and then click clear data by choosing one of the options listed above.

Verify whether the error has been cleared or not.

4. Check your proxy settings

You might have occasionally used a proxy server to maintain your anonymity and guard against security breaches. The main purpose of a proxy is to act as a middleman between your browser and a website while you browse the internet using a different IP address.

Here are several things that you can check:

  • The IP address associated with a proxy server may be rejected by a web server, which will result in a browsing error.
  • The unavailable proxy server was left in your internet settings, which you forgot to remove.
  • Incorrect proxy configuration

To remove the error, re-check your proxy settings.

Here are steps to remove your proxy settings:

  • Open the Chrome Browser. Go to Settings>System>Open Proxy Settings>Go to Connections>Click on LAN settings button.
  • Ensure that “Automatically detect settings” is disabled.
  • Under “Proxy server” section, ensure “Use a proxy server for your LAN” is disabled.
  • Click OK and restart.

5. Disable Antivirus and Firewall settings

Firewalls and antivirus software shield users’ operating systems, sensitive information, and other data from malware and other malicious activity, deterring hackers from accessing your website. They block any suspicious activity in their peripheral area following routine scans and updates. But occasionally, these security measures can cause issues with site connections.

Sometimes firewalls or antivirus software will mistake secured traffic for unsecured traffic, leading to errors. Your issue might be resolved if these security measures are disabled.

Steps to turn off your firewall settings:

Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall, click on the “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” link on the left side, to turn off your firewall.

Later, temporarily disable antivirus software. After accessing your safe site, make sure the error has been fixed and don’t forget to turn these security features back on.

6. Clear your DNS cache

The DNS Resolver Cache, which the computer’s operating system creates as temporary storage and uses to keep track of all recently visited websites, webpages, and domains, is not well known to many users. When the DNS Cache is overloaded, an error happens because it serves the same purpose as the browser cache: quick website loading. To clear the error, reset your IP and flush your DNS cache.

Here is how to flush your DNS:

  • Open the command prompt programme by clicking on Start>type cmd.exe
  • Right click cmd.exe and select “Run as administrator”>Yes.
  • Then type the DNS flush command “netsh winsock reset catalog” and then hit an enter button.
  • Note: This administrative command is a must to enter.
  • Later type the next command ipconfig/flushdns and then click Enter button.

7. Change DNS address

“ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED” errors can be brought on by a busy DNS server or a misconfigured DNS address. Most of the time, DNS server addresses are obtained directly from ISPs; however, if you are using a third-party DNS, you must reset it with your ISP.

Here are the steps:

  • Browse “Control Panel”> “Network and Sharing Centre”.
  • Right click on the active Network Adapter and open properties in the context menu.
  • Click on the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button.

  • A new window will open which will show you the place of entering custom DNS

  • Inside the popup box, you can enter DNS servers of Google; for the Preferred DNS server and for Alternate DNS server
  • Click OK and restart your browser

8. Disable Chrome Extension

Chrome extensions allow users to customize their needs and assist in automating additional processes. The Chrome browser offers a large number of extensions, the majority of which were created by outside developers. Because of this, any changes that result from them being updated frequently go unnoticed.

Many errors are caused by outdated or expired extensions, including

  • net::err_connection_refused
  • err_connection_refused android
  • err_connection_refused localhost
  • err_connection_refused chrome
  • localhost refused to connect chrome
  • err_connection_refused in chrome

Most errors can be resolved by routinely auditing extensions. Check to see which extensions are utilized and which are not. To ensure a smooth browsing experience, remove all unnecessary ones.

Check to see if the remaining extensions have received recent updates on a regular basis.

9. Reinstall your Chrome

The above error may even be displayed by an out-of-date or expired version of Chrome. In this situation, you must completely uninstall Chrome and then reinstall it. You should regularly update Chrome by checking for updates.

10. Stop sychronization with your Google account

Some users claim that the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error was resolved by ceasing synchronization with their Google Account and Google Chrome browser.

  • Open Google Chrome and type chrome://settings/people into the address bar.
  • If you have a Google Account connected to your browser, click on the Turn Off button to stop synchronization.

  • Restart Google Chrome and see if the error still appears when trying to access a website.


We trust that this article has assisted you in fixing the Google Chrome ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error. Enjoy uninterrupted internet browsing!