Top 3 Best Affordable Fast ASP.NET Core SSD Hosting - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

What comes to mind right away when you think of a shared hosting plan? The majority of people genuinely worry about slow server speeds. But technology has significantly advanced. The shared hosting plans available today are different from those from many years ago. Now, technolgy growing faster and it has come with SSD that can help to acellerate your website speed. In this article, we will cover top best affordable ASP.NET Core hosting that use SSD on their server.

Why Use SSD?

HDD storage cannot provide the responsiveness required when a website receives a lot of traffic and data interactions. Your website will be slower as a result, and users will have a bad experience. SSD, a quicker storage option, enhances the functionality and speed of your website.

There are many options available today for SSD hosting online, but we have sorted through the noise to present you with the top ten. We selected them using our own independent ranking criteria, which took into account user feedback, performance, user experience, related features, and other factors.

Is that True that SSD Faster than HDD?

They are, indeed. That’s because an HDD must physically spin around each time it needs to access stored data in order to find the data it needs to read or modify.

This typically increases access time by a few milliseconds, but depending on how much traffic your website receives or how much data needs to be accessed, those milliseconds can add up quickly.

Why is Speed Important?

Visitors will notice the longer loading times when your website traffic spikes.

The majority of web users anticipate that a page will load in 3 seconds or less, and if it takes longer than that, they will likely hit the “back” button.

Benefits Using SSD

SSD hosting’s increased speed is especially important for e-commerce websites because slowing them down hurts their bottom lines.

According to KISSmetrics, a 4-second load time results in a 25% decrease in sales.

SSD hosting is the way to go if your website receives a lot of traffic or you want it to be able to handle significant traffic spikes without slowing down.

SSDs with Databases

SSD drives will also help dynamic websites powered by databases because they are much faster at accessing all the data they require from your database, slashing crucial seconds off your page load time.

Whether the limiting factor is disk speed or connection speed will determine how much of a benefit you’ll receive.

SSDs with Dynamic Websites

If your website has a lot of user interaction but doesn’t access the hard drive frequently, processing speed and server bandwidth will be more important to you.

The speed of solid-state storage will be a huge help if it needs to pull a lot of data from a database to build a page.

The dynamic site like ASP.NET and WordPress tend to make heavy use of their databases, so an SSD can speed them up significantly.

How to Choose Best ASP.NET SSD Hosting?

Here are several tips to choose best SSD hosting providers:

[su_spoiler title=”SSD Storage Space”]Please make sure that you are receiving plenty of storage space by checking the SLAs (service-level agreements). You can even get unlimited SSD hosting from some hosts.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”SSD Drive Quality”]The drives’ quality is critical. SSDs have a limited lifespan because each time a data location is written, a small amount of electrical charge is added to it. A consumer-quality drive that works fine for your laptop won’t hold up under the heavy use that a web host’s drives endure. The best drives allow for multiple writes and employ sophisticated logic to limit writing and distribute storage cell usage equally.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Uptime Guarantee”]More bandwidth, enough RAM memory, sufficient CPU processing power, and a promise that everything will stay as it should be almost 100% of the time are all requirements for SSD storage.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Data Center Location”]Understanding what SSD hosting is and isn’t crucial. It still cannot teleport data, despite being a vast improvement over HDD in terms of speed and dependability. The data center should be situated as close as possible to your target market.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Price”]Please compare prices so that you can choose the SSD web hosting that is the most affordable. I think it will save your pocket.[/su_spoiler]

Our Top 3 ASP.NET SSD Hosting

1. ASPHostPortal

The top ASP.NET SSD hosting provider is ASPHostPortal. Your website is hosted by ASPHostPortal on Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe), which loads 3X quicker than a standard SSD. As a result, you can immediately experience maximum speed.

This ASP.NET hosting service offers a free site migration with the assistance of a knowledgeable migration team in addition to its lightning-fast speed. Additionally, it scans your ASP.NET website for malware and security flaws and immediately fixes them.

Key Features:

[su_service title=”Powered by Intel Xeon processors and SSD SAN arrays” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”State-of-the-art hardware for optimum speed, security, and reliability” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Guaranteed minimum response times” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Proactive monitoring, multi-level DDoS protection, and off-server backups” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Turbo caching engine speeds up static websites” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”A free SSL certification is included” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]

Plans and Pricing

ASPHostPortal has five different 4 ASP.NET hosting plans and pricing options facilitating distinct features as follows:

Host Intro
1 GB Disk Space
10 GB Bandwith
Only Able to Host 1 Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
0 MSSQL database
0 MySQL database
0 Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host One
5 GB Disk Space
60 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
2 MSSQL database
3 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host Two
15 GB Disk Space
150 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
4 MSSQL database
6 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Host Three
50 GB Disk Space
500 GB Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domains
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
6 MSSQL database
10 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site


One of the most dependable ASP.NET SSD hosts available today, emphasizes the speed and performance of its servers. SSD technology improves the service’s overall performance and dependability, setting it apart from the competition.

The dashboard that allows you to manage every aspect of the service is its best feature. Its availability of free domains, SSL certificates, and caching directories adds to its appeal as a hoster option.

In addition to a 30-day money-back guarantee that gives customers plenty of time to consider their options before deciding whether the service is right for them, the company guarantees 99.99% uptime, demonstrating to customers that it is capable of handling even the most challenging tasks.

Key Features:

[su_service title=”Reliable SSD ASP.NET hosting with 99.9% uptime commitment” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Unlimited bandwidth and storage option ” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Automated daily backups ” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Knowledgable and responsible customer support team ” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Native backups and migration” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”A free SSL certification is included” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]

Plans and Pricing comes with four pricing options commencing from €3.49/mo. as shown in the table below:

Classic Plan
ASP.NET Plan for Beginner
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
2 MSSQL database
5 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Budget Plan
ASP.NET for Small Site
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
4 MSSQL database
10 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Economy Plan
Recommended for Developer
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
6 MSSQL database
15 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site
Business Plan
ASP.NET for Business Plan
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwith
Unlimited Hosted Domain
Windows Server 2016/2022
ASP.NET v1.0/2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Latest ASP.NET Core
10 MSSQL database
20 MySQL database
Unlimited Email Accounts
Full Trust Allowed
Dedicated Application Pool
URL Rewrite
WebDeploy Support
WebSocket Support
Visit Site

3. UKWindowsHostASP.NET

Almost all of UKWindowsHostASP’s hosting solutions include the SSD storage option. You must select a ASP.NET hosting package that is appropriate for your website based on your needs and preferences. Please be advised that you you can get SSD hosting on their shared hosting and also cloud hosting packages.

It provides enterprise-class speed, dependability, and uptime thanks to Intel Xeon processors and SSD SAN arrays. There are 40 dedicated vCPUs, 514288 MB RAM, 4000 GB SSD storage, 4 public IPs, unlimited domains, and extended daily backups.

With a networking speed of up to 40 gigabit/s per server, you can run your applications and databases without experiencing I/O bottlenecks or latency. With their straightforward cloud management console, start small and scale up to powerful bare metal machines.

Key Features:

[su_service title=”Automatic app updates and daily data backups” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate for your website” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Developer-friendly hosting solution” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Free domain registration and website migration” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”24/7/365 Support Time” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]
[su_service title=”Turbo caching options for your website” icon=”icon: check-circle” size=”22″][/su_service]

Plans and Pricing

When you pay for the service for five years, the price for the SSD hosting plan starts as low as £2.99 per month. You receive a 1GB SSD, 20GB Bandwidth, 1 MySQL databases, 1GB RAM, a single core CPU, and a single website with it. You can get unlimited websites, automatic backups, and SSD storage if you upgrade to the second-tier plan.


Solid State Drives are faster and more dependable than conventional Hard Disk Drives, which are used by ASP.NET hosting companies. Therefore, if you want your visitors to experience a lightning-fast and well-performing website, you must select the best SSD server.

So, the above list of the top SSD ASP.NET hosting companies can be very helpful if you’re looking for hosting providers or considering moving your site to another host.

Don’t forget to let us know about your experiences if you try any of the aforementioned SSD ASP.NET hostings. Additionally, you can write to us in the comment section below if you have any thoughts on this.