Make Your Wordpress Site Become No. 1 in Google - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Today, we will cover about SEO in wordpress again. Previously we have talked about google like wordpress site? In this article, we will continue the lesson about SEO in wordpress. Please keep in mind that SEO starts with a good website. Google cares about one thing: creating the best possible experience for its users by helping searchers find what they’re looking for. If they can do this, more people will use Google, and more people will click on their paid ads —that’s Google’s business model. To Google, it doesn’t matter which website ranks top, just that the best site for each search query wins.

Most SEO strategies focus on relevancy. In other words, how your website communicates with Google to rank for the right keywords. And this is important, and we’ll get to that soon.

The Most Important is Your WebSite Quality

Before you build your link, please see this important thing below:

[su_spoiler title=”Load times” style=”fancy”] who likes a slow website? [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Bounce rate” style=”fancy”] if people leave your site immediately it indicates a lack of relevancy, low quality, or an unusable website.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Time on site” style=”fancy”] more engaged visitors will spend longer on a website.[/su_spoiler]

So, how to make well optimized site? You may focus in this several points below:

[su_spoiler title=”Great content” style=”fancy”] your content is your website, so you need to make sure it’s as good as it can possibly be — 500-word, keyword-stuffed articles just won’t cut it anymore. At the very least, it should be on a par with competitors’ content. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Well designed” style=”fancy”] people are more likely to spend time on an aesthetically pleasing website. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Quick loading” style=”fancy”] this is a ranking factor singled out by Google, so you’d better make sure your website is lightning quick.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Usable” style=”fancy”] it should be easy for a first-time visitor to figure out how to navigate your website. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Working” style=”fancy”] pretty self-explanatory, everything on site should be working as intended. [/su_spoiler]

If you can run above factors well, Google will rank your site higher and your on site metrics will improve. One suggestion again, never try to use black-hat SEO technique as Google will penalize your site. Just keep on going naturally, build your site with passion and determination, success will surely awaits you.

Here are few tips that every WordPress webmaster should know

1. Use Relevant Keyword

Keyword is one of important thing. You better to research the keyword, especially for new websites looking to gain traction. You can use Google Keyword Planner tool to research your keyword. Please find a keyword with a modest number of searches, and one with lower competition. With long tail keywords often have far less competition.

2. Use Permalinks

Don’t use default settings. If you use default settings, it will looks like

This is not good enough for SEO. Please choose structure post name, day and name, or month and name. For more information, please see the picture below:


3. Use a Keyword in Post Titles

Whether you’ve thoroughly done your keyword research or not, you should always have a keyword in mind for each post. When you’ve settled on your keyword, you should always use it in your post title – the post title communicates with the search engines what your content is about.

Google prioritizes keywords at the start of the title, so use it first if it fits naturally.

4. Optimize Your Image

As we have describes above, you don’t like slow website, right? So, please make sure that you optimize your picture so your site will loading faster. Speed is the important thing in SEO. Make sure that your image size is less than 100 kb.

You can further optimize your images via the WordPress media library, or by clicking Add Media when creating a new post/page.

An image’s Alt Text is most important for image optimization – this communicates to the search engines what the image is about. It makes sense to pick something related to your content, or even your targeted keyword.

Please also give your images a relevant name.

5. Use Meta Description

Meta tags are used to communicate directly with the search engines, and the meta description tag is no different. Although the meta description is primarily used to encourage searchers to click your link, it also has SEO benefits. Google uses the meta description to better understand your content, so include relevant keywords and you could rank for them.


The easiest way to add a meta description with WordPress is using an SEO plugin – we use WordPress SEO by Yoast here. After installing the plugin, you’ll be able to see a WordPress SEO meta box below the visual editor.

You can write your meta description with the plugin.


Although SEO isn’t what it used to be, SEO is certainly alive and well. As Google’s algorithms get increasingly sophisticated, it becomes harder and harder to game the system. This means the best content should, in theory, rise to the top – as it should.


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