Why SSD? 5 Reasons to Use SSD than Hard Disk Drive - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Solid state drives (SSDs) have been around for decades, with the first SSDs being confined to military and research use.  Hard disk drive (HDD) technology sprung up during this time, dominating the flourishing computer market, and going from being nearly unheard of technology at the beginning of the 1980s to being a need-to-have storage component be the end of the decade.

Fast forward to today. Solid-state storage technology has continued to evolve and develop from its experimental beginnings. While HDDs still hold an important place in the world of data storage, SSD drives have characteristics that make them better for some enterprise pursuits.

5 Advantages Using SSD

1. Faster than hard disk drives

Because an SSD has no mechanical parts, it is considerably faster than an HDD. This is one of the advantages of a solid-state drive. Fragmentation of data in a solid-state drive is negligible unlike in a hard disk drive making it inherently faster. An SSD is 25 to 100 times faster than a typical HDD. This translates to faster boot times, quicker file transfers, and greater bandwidth for enterprise computing.

2. Low power consumption

An HDD consumes more power because it relies on the rotation of the magnet-coated metal platter for reading and writing data. An SSD has no moving parts and it does not require mechanical work to become operational. This low power consumption gives solid-state drives another advantage. This means that an SSD is suitable for energy efficient computers and consumer electronic devices. Furthermore, using a solid-state drive lessens that susceptibility of a computer or device to overheat.

3. Durable than hard disk drives

One major drawback of an HDD is the susceptibility to data loss and overall device breakdown due to drops and shudders. This drawback stems from the mechanical or movable parts inside a hard disk drive. Because an SSD has no moving or mechanical parts, it is more durable to drops and shudders thereby making it more resilient against data loss caused by physical or external trauma. This is another worthy advantage of a solid-state drive especially when taking into consideration mobile computing.

4. No noise while in operation

The absence of a rotating metal platter to store data and a moving read arm makes an SDD completely quiet while in operation. Zero noise is impossible in an HDD. The rotation of the metal platter and the back and forth movement of read arm create noise and even subtle vibrations.

5. Compact than hard disk drives

An SSD is considerably compact than HDD because of the absence of mechanical or movable parts. This also means that a solid-state drive is a more suitable or advantageous storage component for portable consumer electronic devices such as ultrabooks and tablets.

Impact to Web Hosting Performance

The benefits of faster data access for your server software should be obvious, but are of particular importance to modern data-driven sites that dynamically generate pages from hundreds of database queries.

Currently, many websites are created with open source web applications such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal due to their ease-of-use and flexibility to customize the way they look with thousands of free themes and plugins. When a visitor enters a dynamic website such as WordPress, the visit triggers database queries and content access at the same time. With traditional web hosting plans that use spinning hard disk drives, access is slow due to the mechanical movement of the HDDs. To be more specific, HDDs store information on rotating disks and an actuator arm that reads the information has to move in order to access the stored data — physical movement takes a sizeable amount of time. With solid state drives, data is read and written simultaneously. Therefore, the browsing experience will significantly more pleasant thanks to the reduced loading time.

For eCommerce websites, loading speed is a huge factor: a slow website results in fewer sales. Customers get frustrated, abandoning the cart or site completely. You might think four seconds is a reasonable load time, but you’ll have already lost 25 per cent of potential customers at that point! 

So, How to Choose Best SSD Hosting?

Do you want the fastest loading website possible? Tests on web pages hosted on SSD servers typically load 300% faster than those hosted on hard drive servers.

Fast drives demand lots of processing power to make full use of them. A top-quality SSD web host should have the latest and fastest processors as well as the latest drives.

It should allocate a generous amount of main memory to each account.

If you go with a shared host, you want one that doesn’t load too many customers on one server.

SSD Drive Quality

The quality of the drives is important. SSDs have a finite life, because every time a data location is written, it accumulates a little bit of electrical charge. A web host’s drives get heavy use, and a consumer-quality drive that’s fine for your laptop won’t stand up under it.

The best drives can be written over many times, and they use complex logic to minimize the amount of writing and evenly distribute the use of storage cells. They’ll last for years, surpassing the typical life of a hard drive.

In practice, more SSD drives fail because of circuitry issues or firmware bugs than wear. A good SSD host won’t skimp on drive quality.

Datacenter Location and CDNs

Proximity to your site’s audience is important. If you’ve got a localized audience, web hosts with a datacenter within a thousand miles or so are best. If it’s widespread, you should look for a cloud hosting service with a CDN so that no one is too far from an edge server.

Our Top 3 ASP.NET Hosting that Support SSD

ASPHostPortal ASP.NET Hosting

The newest ASPHostPortal server is using SSD speed. ASPHostPortal guarantee 99.99% uptime, 24/7/365 support time. If you are looking for ASP.NET hosting that use SSD, we would recommend them!


HostForLIFEASP.NET based in Europe and their office is on Manchester. They have 5 data centers in Europe that you can choose when you registered their hosting plan.  You can choose London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Milan, and Paris. All this newest server are using SSD.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET ASP.NET Hosting

UKWindowsHostASP.NET is premium ASP.NET hosting in United Kingdom. They have premium SSD server that guarantee your site will load 3 times faster than basic server. They have various hosting plan, shared hosting, cloud hosting, reseller hosting, and also dedicated server. Their SSD shared hosting start from £2.99/month.