FACT: Your Data is Not Fully Secure! - Windows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and ComparisonWindows ASP.NET Core Hosting 2024 | Review and Comparison

Sensitive information must be protected from theft and risk in the modern digital environment; this is especially true given the growing popularity of cloud computing. Data security is not as simple as locking the file inside the cabinet.

There are many ways to breach data protection, so even if one takes all necessary precautions when handling online accounts and personal information, there is still a risk of data theft or breaches.

52 million data security breaches involving internet users worldwide occurred in the second quarter of 2022, down 56% from the same time the previous year, according to Statista.

The fourth quarter of 2020 had the most instances of data security breaches ever documented during the measurement period, roughly 125 million.

Threats and Risks

Data security is the process of safeguarding corporate data and preventing data loss due to unauthorized access.

This includes protecting corporate data from attacks that could change or harm it, as well as ransomware and other data security attacks that can encrypt or destroy it.

These data security dangers and threats should be known.

1. Daily Threats are Present Everywhere

The same goes for your wallet, car keys, and other personal items if you lose your phone. People don’t realize how much sensitive data is kept on their phones, and its loss or discovery might have catastrophic effects for data security.

Fortunately, it is possible to implement data protection measures to reduce this risk.

2. Easy Hacking

The most difficult part of hacking isn’t getting past a data protection mechanism. Data security is breached by hackers, who can quickly get access to any network or equipment.

3. Network Perimeter is not Secure

Before entering a company’s network, the data must pass through a number of data security steps.

However, if your data protection system is unable to segregate potentially dangerous data first, this could let the bad data into the infrastructure and result in serious harm to data security.

4. Beware with Your Social Media

This form of attack on data security is well-known as phishing. Users receive messages from attackers that seem to come from a reliable source but are actually malicious.

One of the staff members accidentally clicks on a questionable link, giving hackers access to the corporate network.

5. Unauthorized Changes to Metadata

Sanitization is a further step that people should take to protect their metadata, as even the most basic sensitive information, like the author of a document, when it was last modified, and what kind of software it was created with, could result in a data security breach in the wrong hands.

Unauthorized changes to the metadata may potentially pose a threat to data security if they use a prior file to duplicate an offer for the client.

The future client will be able to read the revision history and learn about the changes made to the initial budgets or scope of work for the previous client if the document isn’t cleaned up.

6. Insider Threats

Employees who intentionally or inadvertently jeopardize a company’s data security are known as insider threats. Three different types of insider threat exist:

  • Non-malicious insiders are users who have the ability to compromise data security through negligence, ignorance, or a lack of familiarity with security procedures.
  • Insiders with bad intentions are those that deliberately attempt to compromise security, steal data, or harm the business for their own gain.
  • Insiders are considered compromised when their accounts or credentials have been compromised by an external attacker. The attacker can then act in a way that compromises data security while assuming the identity of an authorized user.

7. Ransomware

Ransomware puts the data security of companies of all sizes in danger. Data is encrypted by the malware, or “ransomware,” which targets company computers and renders it useless without the decryption key.

Attackers frequently publish a message known as a “ransom note” requesting payment in exchange for disclosing the key, however in many cases, even doing so is worthless and the data is deleted.

8. SQL Injection

Attackers regularly use SQL injection (SQLi) to evade data security measures, gain access to databases without authorization, steal data, and perform undesired deeds.

It functions by adding malicious code to a purportedly safe database query.


The hosting provider that have specialize in security who can assist them in preventing data breaches and helping to strengthen data protection. Data protection and prevention may be improved by using a variety of data protection techniques and technologies. Make sure that you choose correct hosting provider to secure your website from cyber attack.